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Old 08-02-2012, 08:08 PM   #1
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Default Hobbyist referrals

How many think that it would be nice if there was a place for the providers to put that you are ok to see? I personally would like it, it would help a lot when trying to verify the hobbyist that does not write reviews.
Or when the providers don't get back to me when I ask for a referral.
Whats your thoughts??
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Old 08-02-2012, 09:23 PM   #2
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We have them, P411 and Date-Check, although I don't trust Date-Check as much as I do P411.

I personally haven't had a problem getting a client verified if a provider doesn't get back in touch with me. You just have to be creative and find other avenues.

Just because a hobbyist writes reviews doesn't always mean he's OK or safe for us to see. Anyone can write a review whether they've seen the lady or not. Most ladies won't call out a fake review unless its less than favorable. Also, you can always check out some of the blacklist sites to see if your would be client is on there.

Providers should always be willing to help another provider when it comes to references. Keep a list of ladies who don't get back in touch with you period. There will be special circumstances of course, but the lady should always respond one way or another. I have a list of ladies that I won't take references from for different reasons such as, they don't screen thoroughly, been busted numerous times, they don't screen period and they get mad if their client wants to see another provider.

A lady should always screen no matter who the guy is. You can never be too careful doll.
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Old 08-02-2012, 10:08 PM   #3
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Thank you Ms. Elena,
I have started a list of the providers that never respond, I also use date-check, p411 and a few other methods.
I myself if someone writes a review on me and I have not seen them, will call them out whether the review is good or bad. If you ever need a referral from me I am more then happy to give it.
We all need to help try and keep each other safe. I also if a gentleman asks me about a certain thing that I don't provide I will refer him to a provider I know does.
Thanks again.
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Old 08-02-2012, 11:35 PM   #4
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No problem doll. Call me if you need anything.
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Old 08-03-2012, 08:13 AM   #5
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Ms E - While I am confident I am not on any of the "blacklist sites" you referred to, would you please enlighten the masses and let us know what type of behavior is likely to get a client put on a blacklist. Might be helpful to the newbie hobbyist as well as a few others who need a reminder.

Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Also, you can always check out some of the blacklist sites to see if your would be client is on there.
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Old 08-03-2012, 09:06 AM   #6
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I like the idea for a couple of reasons.

1) I treat people with respect. I am not into pain. I hope that the lady enjoys her time with me. I work to abide by the common sense rules:
A) Be on time;
B) Be clean;
C) Don't abuse a lady's time as that is valuable to her

I would like other lady's to know that.

2) I would also like my interests to be known.
A) I enjoy porn during a session. I know that this bothers some ladies. Some ladies
want to be the focus. I can't change what I like but it sucks when a session goes
poorly because of something that I like that a lady does not. Nothing gets me going
more when a lady says - "What are we watching?"

B) There are also the "I like to do X" as in the interactions. If you know that a guy
loves a certain thing then you can expect he can ask and well, a lady can prepare
for it or just not see the guy.

Information makes opportunities more efficient. At the end of the day, most bad opportunities are a result of mixed expectations. From either side, if we can avoid those mixed expectations then everyone is happier.

Just my long winded way of saying, "Count me in".
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Old 08-03-2012, 09:47 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by huskerguyomaha View Post
Ms E - While I am confident I am not on any of the "blacklist sites" you referred to, would you please enlighten the masses and let us know what type of behavior is likely to get a client put on a blacklist. Might be helpful to the newbie hobbyist as well as a few others who need a reminder.

Black List,
No show, no call
Dirty, smells
not having the right donation
Theres more just can't think of them right now.
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Old 08-03-2012, 10:20 AM   #8
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Does sheet striping count? Maybe it falls into the dirty category, lol.
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Old 08-03-2012, 11:03 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by nashluv69 View Post
Does sheet striping count? Maybe it falls into the dirty category, lol.
Sheet stripping is having fun not dirty. lol
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Old 08-03-2012, 12:22 PM   #10
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I think maybe Nash was referring to skid marks.
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Old 08-03-2012, 12:28 PM   #11
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Well getting them there can be fun. lol
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Old 08-03-2012, 01:47 PM   #12
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In theory the list sounds like a good idea but implementing it is a different story. Who keeps it, who has access, who adds the names, ect..... . Plus there have been a few discussions on how long a reference is good for, meaning if you saw the guy 6 months ago it wouldn't count because it was to long ago. The entire reference deal is a pain in the ass to which there is no simple solution. If you only see the same provider(s) it doesn't concern either the client or provider but when you constantly look for new clients or providers it becomes a necessary evil.
The argument has been made that how can you remember everyone especially if they give fake names and use hobby phones with out creating a list somewhere. Hopefully that somewhere is on an encrypted file of an external hard drive.
I do think that if local like minded providers were to get together privately that they could devise a system that would work locally. I have thoughts on how it could be done but explaining it in a public form would be counter productive to doing it!
MsE and Sabra, I applaud you for calling out fake reviews! In my opinion fake reviews are worse than no reviews and those that get caught posting fake reviews should have all their damn reviews deleted.
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Old 08-03-2012, 03:51 PM   #13
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makemesmile has brought up some interesting points.

As a hobbyist, I am ok if you reference me by my handle on eccie but I am a bit more concerned if you post my phone number... That would be something for a PI to access. All they would need to do is befriend a verified lady....

Anyway, it started me thinking about the hobby. I wonder how it would look if guys had to post ads ;-)
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Old 08-03-2012, 04:55 PM   #14
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If you go on p411 they have a place that we as providers have seen you. No info is given we just check a box that says you are ok and that we have seen you. It is nice to have cause I can see who they have seen and contact them if I so choose. It only takes about 2 minutes to go to there profile and check the box. I was thinking that would be nice to have on here in the hobbyist profile it makes verification so much easier.
By me checking the box that is me saying I seen you, unlike someone saying they have seen me and have not then writing fake reviews to show they have when they haven't.
Just an idea.
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Old 08-03-2012, 05:34 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by huskerguyomaha View Post
Ms E - While I am confident I am not on any of the "blacklist sites" you referred to, would you please enlighten the masses and let us know what type of behavior is likely to get a client put on a blacklist. Might be helpful to the newbie hobbyist as well as a few others who need a reminder.
No call, no show
Constant cancellations
Verbally, physically abusive
Shorting of fee
Ripping off the provider
Acting like a lil bitch and complaining in reviews of the same lady over and over because you didn't get your way
Verbally abusive emails/phone calls
Outing a provider
Constantly sharing a provider's information with other providers (is it REALLY any of their business?)
Constantly going over the time you paid for

Originally Posted by strawberrycar934 View Post
I like the idea for a couple of reasons.

1) I treat people with respect. I am not into pain. I hope that the lady enjoys her time with me. I work to abide by the common sense rules:
A) Be on time;
B) Be clean;
C) Don't abuse a lady's time as that is valuable to her

I would like other lady's to know that.

2) I would also like my interests to be known.
A) I enjoy porn during a session. I know that this bothers some ladies. Some ladies
want to be the focus. I can't change what I like but it sucks when a session goes
poorly because of something that I like that a lady does not. Nothing gets me going
more when a lady says - "What are we watching?"

B) There are also the "I like to do X" as in the interactions. If you know that a guy
loves a certain thing then you can expect he can ask and well, a lady can prepare
for it or just not see the guy.

Information makes opportunities more efficient. At the end of the day, most bad opportunities are a result of mixed expectations. From either side, if we can avoid those mixed expectations then everyone is happier.

Just my long winded way of saying, "Count me in".
Originally Posted by makemesmile View Post
In theory the list sounds like a good idea but implementing it is a different story. Who keeps it, who has access, who adds the names, ect..... . Plus there have been a few discussions on how long a reference is good for, meaning if you saw the guy 6 months ago it wouldn't count because it was to long ago. The entire reference deal is a pain in the ass to which there is no simple solution. If you only see the same provider(s) it doesn't concern either the client or provider but when you constantly look for new clients or providers it becomes a necessary evil.
The argument has been made that how can you remember everyone especially if they give fake names and use hobby phones with out creating a list somewhere. Hopefully that somewhere is on an encrypted file of an external hard drive.
I do think that if local like minded providers were to get together privately that they could devise a system that would work locally. I have thoughts on how it could be done but explaining it in a public form would be counter productive to doing it!
MsE and Sabra, I applaud you for calling out fake reviews! In my opinion fake reviews are worse than no reviews and those that get caught posting fake reviews should have all their damn reviews deleted.

Again folks, that's what P411 is for. You can join with provider's verifying you for a free month or two.....or you can pay $90 for a year and have the ladies give you OK's after they've seen you. If you wish to join, tell them I sent you.


You said you'd like the ladies to know what you like......on P411 you can type in what you like....what you're looking for. That way once the lady goes to your profile, they can read your it and see what you like.....and then be ready for you or decide that they wish to pass.

Plus.....P411 is in Canada where hooking is legal.
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