me;."hey,,u avail?"
me;..."u hav incall?"
didn't hear anything back,,,,fell asleep for couple of hours
woke up
me;.."i fell asleep, r u up?"
me;..."can I come to you?"
her;..."yeah im by the airport"
me;.."hotel? I can b there about 20 mins"
her;.."okay when"
I thought I told her when?
I said 20 minutes, so just sat there thinking , fuck it for awhile.
little while later
me;.."Ive seen you before.....(proceeded to give her detailed info about her location last time thinking maybe she would focus)
after about a 15 minute pause
her;...."yeah, what were you thinking"
what am I thinking?, Im not going to describe to you what Im thinking and sure as hell aignt listing a price,
me;.."i just wanted to see you again, just text me whenever"
after more time passes and I almost fall asleep again
her;..."i can come to you or im by the airport"
her;.."okay how long"
me;..."20 minutes..where am I going?"
her;.."how long do you want to stay?"
me;.."half hour"
now another 15 minutes or so passes..
her:.."so are we on or not"
at that point, i just couldnt run in these circles any longer....
what would you have done?
what the hell went wrong?
what should be done difrently?
I normally dont text too much and this is why . but she never picks up and talks