$140 incall minus a minimum of $ 65 on a room leaves only $75.
Please take into account daily essentials, raincoats, outfits, babysitters, gas, screening time, the all famous "being available for the call at your requested time" time, preparation, waxing, make up, nails, etc and travel to the incall location. If her own incall, let's not forget the neighbors to have to smooth over on an ongoing basis...
So, let's say at the MOST would be
$140 minus a personal incall of $0. Minus Daily essentials.
Okay, now let's take into consideration that an average month for her may look like this:
2 calls the first week, 3 calls the second week, 3 calls the third week, and one 1 the last week.
9 calls at $75 profit without counting the daily essentials. That is a whopping $675.
(Don't forget in order to be able to meet at each requested time, she would not be able to maintain much for another job. "OH GEEZ! I can't come into work because I have to take a call!" <-- Yeah right.)
9 calls at the full $140 is $1260. This does not account for daily essentials (babysitter, upkeep, etc)
Take 15% for taxes that she has to pay out.
$189 taxes
$500 (easily) rent
$180 Essentials at a rounded $20 average
$60 electric
$50 internet
$75 phone
$150 food for her and her family
(1204 total expenses here so far...)
She is already broke doing 9 calls in a month's time. (That's an average of working every 3 days.) Without taking into account any other living expense! So, uh, at that point, no health care, no savings, no investments, etc
Now, sometimes we ladies have a good week or a good month. We average that in with bad weeks and bad months.
It can be very difficult for ladies to get ahead. Additionally, the people I know are on their own (no husband/second income in the home)
I might also add that her job obviously doesn't allow for sick days or even a one week vacation.
staff edit by BB: removed at req of poster

The ladies provide a real and valuable service for the gents.
Her quote was EXTREMELY reasonable, IMHO.