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Old 04-20-2012, 06:56 AM   #1
Mr. Smith111
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Default Missed all the fun

Well, I get to work this morning just to see a whole thread had been started and closed, starring me. Apparently there is at least one woman out there that doesn't like me and thinks I'm not very nice. WOW, who would have thought it.
It is funny that she wouldn't say who she was and when she supposedly saw me. The one thing she seemed sure of is that my dick is 9 inches too short. LMAO.

To whoever this is, I will say this about your comments as far as my posting and my reviews. If it weren't for guys like me you would be walking down Leopard street and selling ass for 50 bucks a shot, or hoping you didn't get popped on backpage.
A place like this exists because of guys like me that post and review, and many women have sought me out trying to get a review from me because it seems to help there business if I give them a positve one.

You are right in that most of us here are older, some of us are fat, and we aren't all good looking guys. When is the last time you heard about Brad Pitt buying ass? You chose to be a provider and if you don't like your customers find some new ones, maybe young handsome guys will start buying pussy and you can get them to pay you. Oh ya, they are with there young hot girlfriends like us old guys were way back.

The bashing you talked about is not correct either. We do talk about the girls, that is what this place is about, and we speak highly of many of them. Those are the girls that give good service and treat there customers well. Hell if you look at all of my reviews I have only givin two no recomendations in 43 reviews. That would lead you to believe that I have spoken highly of many women.

Whoever you are , feel free to come out and talk with your real handle and if I remember you maybe I will have some comments about your skills, looks , or whatever.

You are obviously not happy with your career choice and seem upset that you have to suck old fat guys dicks for a living. I didn't make you take this path. Maybe you should have studied harder in school or learned to wake up and go to a real job. And btw, I have been reviewed before. I got a yes review and she seemed like all of the whopping 4 inches you give me credit for.

Have a nice day.
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Old 04-20-2012, 07:12 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111 View Post
Well, I get to work this morning just to see a whole thread had been started and closed, starring me. Apparently there is at least one woman out there that doesn't like me and thinks I'm not very nice. WOW, who would have thought it.
It is funny that she wouldn't say who she was and when she supposedly saw me. The one thing she seemed sure of is that my dick is 9 inches too short. LMAO.

To whoever this is, I will say this about your comments as far as my posting and my reviews. If it weren't for guys like me you would be walking down Leopard street and selling ass for 50 bucks a shot, or hoping you didn't get popped on backpage.
A place like this exists because of guys like me that post and review, and many women have sought me out trying to get a review from me because it seems to help there business if I give them a positve one.

You are right in that most of us here are older, some of us are fat, and we aren't all good looking guys. When is the last time you heard about Brad Pitt buying ass? You chose to be a provider and if you don't like your customers find some new ones, maybe young handsome guys will start buying pussy and you can get them to pay you. Oh ya, they are with there young hot girlfriends like us old guys were way back.

The bashing you talked about is not correct either. We do talk about the girls, that is what this place is about, and we speak highly of many of them. Those are the girls that give good service and treat there customers well. Hell if you look at all of my reviews I have only givin two no recomendations in 43 reviews. That would lead you to believe that I have spoken highly of many women.

Whoever you are , feel free to come out and talk with your real handle and if I remember you maybe I will have some comments about your skills, looks , or whatever.

You are obviously not happy with your career choice and seem upset that you have to suck old fat guys dicks for a living. I didn't make you take this path. Maybe you should have studied harder in school or learned to wake up and go to a real job. And btw, I have been reviewed before. I got a yes review and she seemed like all of the whopping 4 inches you give me credit for.

Have a nice day.
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Old 04-20-2012, 07:15 AM   #3
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And I just learned today that there are some providers that make more than lawyers???

Since we are on that subject; When was the last time you had an appointment with a lawyer and you had to pick him up and loan him money to rent an office for an hour?

"That's funny, I don't care who you are."
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Old 04-20-2012, 08:43 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111 View Post
You are right in that most of us here are older, some of us are fat, and we aren't all good looking guys.
Three for three, thats not bad, or is it?
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Old 04-20-2012, 08:53 AM   #5
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Wow - first Corpus Christi hobbyist gets bashed because where a bunch of racist now because we don't have 13" inch cocks ( Smitty's 4" + the 9" he lacks). Maybe your problem is screw to many guys with huge cocks and you now got a big hole hole hole (was that an echo).
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Old 04-20-2012, 12:37 PM   #6
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Old 04-20-2012, 12:57 PM   #7
Mr. Smith111
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I haven't been on the board much today because I was in meetings most of the day with customers who I can't see myself ever bashing because I would like to continue to do business with them and anyone they know.
I totally understand why this "lady" wont come forward and say who she is after bashing me so well under a false identity. She knows that if she comes forward now she may as well quit eccie and go elsewhere, at least in south Texas. Not just because I have many friends here who would probably boycott her, but because no guy wants to go near a drama queen that is angry enough to pull a stunt like this.
She may turn on someone else next time.
Whoever you are, if you think you have seen my badside, you have no idea.
Go ahead and come out from hiding.
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Old 04-20-2012, 02:46 PM   #8
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Too bad it was closed....
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Old 04-20-2012, 04:11 PM   #9
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I say we re-open it an re-activate that screen name. This has potential to be the best entertainment we will see all year. Hell I will even buy us a ringside seat for this. I can see the banners right now.

Mr. Smith vs. A Hooker with an attitude.

Go online to Ticketmaster.com to buy your VIP seats.
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Old 04-20-2012, 04:12 PM   #10
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I say we re-open it an re-activate that screen name. This has potential to be the best entertainment we will see all year. Hell I will even buy us a ringside seat for this. I can see the banners right now.

Mr. Smith vs. A Hooker with an attitude.

Go online to Ticketmaster.com to buy your VIP seats.
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Old 04-20-2012, 04:29 PM   #11
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Wow. I am so late to the party. Damn, shit is getting crazy around here. Glad I, or someone I know, didn't have anything to do with this one. LOL. Are we allowed to say who it is? Or is that for the other forum?
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Old 04-20-2012, 05:04 PM   #12
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I totally agree with the Captain, reopen this thread. I attempted to get her to shut the fuck up by posting and gave her my opinion of how she was coming across as a pinche pendeja cabrona/fucking asshole bastard by talking shit about Mr. Smith.

I didn't care for her replies, she was attacking/talking shit to anyone that replied to her posts. So I told the Cunt that she was doble estupida/double stupid & doble retrasada/double retarded and that she was a bitter puta/whore speaking for no one but herself. The Cunt replied to me again and was talking shit to me. I decided that discretion was the better part of valor and did not reply again.

In my opinion the Cunt should be outed, someone previously mentioned that her IP address has already been traced and he knew who it was that posted the thread.
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Old 04-20-2012, 05:24 PM   #13
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I just want to know who it was so I will not set any appointments with her... the last thing I want in this hobby is a provider w/ attitude
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Old 04-20-2012, 05:49 PM   #14
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:24 PM   #15
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Shit after all this, for the first time I'm Damn glad I have a 5 inch dick...
Mr. Smith my money is on you, FTB!
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