Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Reading all the alerts everywhere, I use to think it was just BP. But with people coming up with 2nd handles, and 3rds, and in one case that i know of.. a 4th.. it makes me wonder...
Should Mental Evaluations be part of the screening process?
Are these people seriously disturbed or do they simply "assume the GFE is true GFE" and fall in love. Then when reality hits they just paid for the GFE.. their feelers get hurt?
But which providers are qualified to do serious mental evaluations? I see a lot of self-rationalization on these boards. How can one objectively evaluate others when they aren't honest with themselves. Plus what would you evaluate? Would a fetish be seen as a mental issue? If they had an issue would it be germane to your encounter? What if the client suffers from agoraphobia?
Would that disqualify them or just mean it would be an outcall?
As for guys falling for girls, that just natural. Happens everyday. But given that many of the "about me" page of providers website try to appeal to the mental side why is it so shocking that sometimes it really works? Sure you get more flies with honey but you also get sticky fingers. There may be an "understanding" that everything is make believe but if you truly convince someone you are enjoying the encounter (even if you really aren't or it's the same as all the rest) that they believe the encounter meant more than it did shouldn't be that shocking. Especially if your trying to appeal to all the things they don't see in their everyday life. Sure maybe they shouldn't read anything into, doesn't mean they won't. People should know better but they do illogical things everyday. Everyone knows you shouldn't drink and drive, people do it anyway. Many will continue to do so until something bad happens.
Besides to do any sort of meaningful mental evaluation you'd need to be provided a lot more personal information than most would be comfortable supplying. Any many others would just lie to make the date.