I’ve been meaning to get back to this thread (sorry for my tardiness)…
Just wanted to say
THANKS for all of the replies.
Originally Posted by TBONE
Cab to and from the airport is all that's needed.
Originally Posted by Captain Caveman
What TBONE said.
Unless you are going somewhere else the best way to travel the strip is with your own two feet.
I kind of figured that I would not need a car but I was not 100% sure. I pulled up a map of the strip and I did not realize that the airport was that close to the strip.
Originally Posted by Captain Caveman
Besides, something might catch your eye and you will want to investigate.
Actually, I do not plan to hobby while in Las Vegas - I mean, why bother? There are plenty of beautiful ladies here in Dallas.
Originally Posted by Lounger
Its a great city to visit; but Tbone is right, 2 or 3 nights max.
Thanks for the advice. I certainly do not want to over do it but at the same time, I do not want to under-do it.
When you say "2 or 3 nights" are you also including the day that I fly in? For example, if I fly in on Monday morning, would you consider Monday night as one of the "2 or 3 nights"?
Originally Posted by Lounger
And when you book your room; insist on a Strip View ! At night time the city lights are somthing else !
I did not even think about that - thanks for the advice.
Originally Posted by gashpump
This site has links to just about everything going on in town.
Yes, I happened to stumble on that website while doing my own research. What I find somewhat annoying about the site is that they only have the last few reviews of hotel. For example, if you go to the reviews of one of the better known hotels, there are only about 30 reviews. I am sure that there have been more then just 30 people who have reviewed this hotel. Do I need to sign up to see all of the reviews?
Originally Posted by gashpump
Length of stay, in my opinion, should be driven by bankroll. This pertains to gambling, dining and to the shows. The longer one stays, the more is spent (unless you are real lucky.) It's my favorite town, but the burn rate is commensurate to the fun rate.
One trick that I have learned is that even at $150 for good show tickets, the two hours spent is usually cheaper than hanging out playing slots.
Again, thanks for the advice. Since this is my first time visiting Vegas, I don't mind spending a little extra cash. What I don't want to do is penny pinch my way through Vegas and walking away feeling like I did not even have a decent vacation. Does that make any sense?
Thanks again to all that posed helpful hints and advice.