Originally Posted by oden
Some say that girls with a little padding have a greater sex drive. Any truth to that?
I tend to see ladies of all shapes and sizes, you forgot to add age to your factored quote as well. I think in most cases this would be correct stamina wise for ladies up to age 18 to 33 or so. As more curvaceous to BBW sized women seem to have good stamina and durability for an all night rump which is what I seek. But the downside to ladies who are curvaceous and/or BBW's in most cases is their performance is limited primariliy "on top" activities like the link in my signature line are not an option. Just body wise they mostly cant accommodate more strenuous positions in my opinion.
Most times spinner to petite ladies have limitless performance capabilities as far as positions, but tthey cant really take a stamina filled all night romp as the more curvy ladies based on their size. Their are some exceptions to the rule in both cases I'm sure. Ive settled 4 petite to play safe at times.