You may rember I'm Amy Lynn " The Origional Farmers Daughter, Girl Next Door. In reguards to a post By Flightmedic45 that: Playmate lisa,
erotic apple, Carolyn & taylor are COp's & have a pimp this is
complete b.s.
Taylor was a experimental charter that was created for 2 days.
This was to be Skyler Moon but the phone got call's befor she arrived.
Playmate Lisa had was getting 100 bull calls a day & wanted her
ad's off but wanted call's. My colon is twisted now, so i was taking call's.
was just a temporary way to make a buck. REMBER IM THE 30 MIN'S
or less girl. I ust to sell Kerby, I know how to be professional. there
was no intention to FRAUD any one.
In reguards to Carlyon in Raytown, Never meet her, Just have gotten
advise from her over the years. She has always has been a amazing
source of positive encouragement.
In Regurads to Mercy "Erotic apple" Personal friend, we've both helped
each other with girl stuff. But I can tell ya that girl isn't a cop, nor has she
ever had a pimp, She's a True Chick. may have
the same bold effect's as the no longer same web maker out of canada, As well as which is a
site for Skyler Moon, who was suppost to be taylor but was slow putting
her makeup on the day this experiment too place.
______________________________ ______________________________ __
Bottom Line, Flightmedic45 has a long history of PURE hater Negitative
Playmate Lisa 816 810 4286, Is TO HOT, Very Sweet, REAL DEAL, NON-COP
Mercy 816 699 0863 Is A Very Cool chick, True,ez2talk2, NOT cop
Carlyon 816 805 8389 Is Perty dam COOL in My Oppinion, NOt a Cop
Taylor 816 Number NO Longer In Service was me, Amy Lynn Sorry.
If you have any Doubts to these ladies Envolvment with law enforcement why dont ya call them, maybe set up a Appointment for a strip search LOL, Again I'm Very Sorry for any Stress I cause My Flightmedic45 WHo Is a Trusted " banned member"
Again Amy Lynn Here, Im not well this twisted colon has me down good
but 1 day I will be back out there, I Miss you all, My site is not up but Im looking forward to a Grand opening 1 of these day's

Amy Lynn
The Original Farmers Daughter, Girl Next Door
"Temp. Retired"
You can email me at m for your pray's
& well wishes.