Everyone keeps asking so here it is and I do trade services if possible.
Gift cards are great
I love nice gold jewelery
I am needing 5 tickets to the Trans-Siberian
Orchestra tickets in Kansas City.
Home furnishings for an office and two bedrooms. nice big rugs, lamps,ect.
A new laptop and web cam
Home stereo system
BIG flats screens I need two
Also needing 2 dvd players
Kitchen ware appliances, need new toaster, blender, toaster oven, and coffee maker.
needing outdoor Christmas lights /decor
Perfumes, I like Red Door and 5th Avenue by Elizabeth Arden
I am needing winter clothes and boots as well.
Also help with a trip to the salon on the plaza. $300 for the works.
I am taking care of a lot of people this year, helping family. There is no one that really takes care of me so Any help would be appreciated.
Happy Holidays remember to be kind, look for those in need, they usually are the quite ones, suffering in silence. SO love thy neighbors, check on loved ones and do all you can to help others. Thats Christmas !