This is probably one of the strangest threads that I have every started and probably the funniest!
I had a date with a so called friend/hobbyist Saturday night! When I say "friend", I mean someone that I have grown fond of and not just a date! Well, sometime after all of our fun that night, we fell asleep, woke up and had a little more fun before he had to head out to the airport!
He sends me a message later on Sunday night and apparently he said my snoring drove him up the wall and any future plans were put on hold!

I laughed so hard until I thought I was going to cry! Mind you, I know that I snore when I'm extremely tired or when I've had a little too much to drink! Hell at my age, who doesn't?

I was in chat last night and of course all the regular chatters had to put their digs in about a snore job!
Ok, now that you are through laughing, I'm curious to know what little quirks have you run across with your SO, provider, or hobbyist that drove you up the wall?
Oh, btw.......he did say I was still his ATF!