Originally Posted by Noelshaker
I think I am worth it. I am sure my regulars would agree. Thank you for you opinion. I have decided to come anyway because Austin is so awesome! Yall have a great day 
You wanted response and you got it. Honest opinions about why your phone isn't ringing.
You are worth 5k/hr or even 50k if you say you are but "Worth it" is an extremely vague and relative term.
In truth you are worth in Austin whatever the Austin market will pay for yet another attractive traveling escort. Unless your parts vibrate........
If your regulars gladly pay $350 and the standard Austin rate is $250-$280 why exactly would you pass on your regulars to come here?
I hope your visit is an awesome one and Austin will certainly be a more beautiful place with you in it but please don't post a Coed complaint/ad from an empty motel room later if little has changed upon arriving.