Originally Posted by NYIP NYIP
I find these raids suspicious because they are not making the news. At least, I haven’t seen any news of these busts online.
How is this being kept quiet?
Why is it being kept quiet?
I’m still in west TX, not moved back…yet…end of April. But I digress.
There’s 5 AMPs within 3 blocks of each other where I’m at (there’s several others around town, but speaking specifically about these 5), 4 of which have suddenly closed within the last few days/a week or so give or take. Nothing on the news, no paperwork on their door, they’ve just gone dark and closed.
It’s either them closing on their own and getting the fuck out & going underground, or there’s more to come and local LE is being told to keep their damn mouths shut.
Plenty of discussion about this going on here as well. Just sayin…