User ID: -
Date: 12/23
Name: Cindy
Phone: 513-916-1688
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page):
City: Amelia
State: Ohio
Address: Stand Alone building on Ohio Pike Parking is directly in front
Appointment Type: -
Activities: Massage, light kissing, see ROS for more details.
Duration of Encounter: 60 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Black
Age: late 40’s - 50’s
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Very thin, A cups. She is an attractive older woman, with almost no body fat. Honestly, I prefer more curves, but for some, she will fit well into the spinner type. Faint smell of smoke on her breath - won’t bother some, but I noticed it.
Recommendation: Yes