Originally Posted by Member4172
You wrote an ad, with no information 8 or 9 people commented about it, you got butt hurt and cried, then started another thread to be the victim some more after saying everyone else was to cheap to pay her price cause they are poor, in the review. Nothing has changed, you are just in need of attention.
To be clear, I left an honest review focusing on what is important to me. Sex is sex and I can get that elsewhere or just jerk off. Additionally there have numerous complaints on here about poor TCB, etc. from other providers. I think these items are important to a lot of us. Someone had a question about details of what was engaged in and I politely gave more details in my answer. Someone else about certain services being covered, I politely responded that I didn’t ask for that so it wasn’t part of the review (can’t review something that didn’t happen.) I even apologized for my joke about others to Falcon. BTW-I’m not rich, I see providers less frequently to afford.
if you look through my reviews, you’ll see a variety of levels of providers. I have tried a few things to find what works for me. I don’t judge anyone. I also had a different account that I deleted because I had seen a provider who got into some trouble with LEO.
I have never left anything on here that wasn’t truthful. And answered any questions someone might have, both in the threads and through PMs. It’s just never been met with the vitriol that this one seemed to generate.