Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I doubt it. Pretty sure her first call will be to Lowe's to get some 1x2 walnut boards delivered so she can build a little shadow box to put her lone delegate from Vermont in on her mantle, right next to her participation ribbon.
Kinda funny. so thanks for the chuckle- but it should also send a signal that the GOP needs to observe. Not everyone is on-board with the same ol' same ol'. There is a hunger out there in 'Merica for someone who can be both in charge, but also not trying to take away womens rights and sexists attacks, but also be able to actually lead BOTH sides of a country.
If you haven't noticed- Trump has noticed that the never Trumper gang is fairly large, and this will not be just a smooth over deal. There will need to be actual policies and views of where things are at currently.
Such as:
Others have posted- Jamie Dimon and some predict a downturn in the economy. How's that gonna get fixed? And I mean besides drilling for more oil, which is already at a low price- depressed prices won't help an economy.
Housing is very expensive and keeping americans from both buying and selling- what would he do for that?
Supposed, "Biden-inflation" has prices high- (instead of acknowledging supply / demand effects), what would trump do to lower the avg costs of goods and services? THat' horse has left the barn and some are not coming down again ever.
so While we can acknowledge the presumptive win for Trump- I think a lot more on the policies route has to be announced, instead of suggesting simply an outcome. (Anyone can say they can jump over a building- but watching the plan and action is what we need to to see- Superman).
Nikki atleast told us what she would do-
Trump hasn't told us jack shit.