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Old 02-28-2024, 11:31 AM   #1
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Default Trump comes up short on Appeal.

You're a little Short Sir. 464 Million in needed to appeal your case!

Donnie- (Rummaging through his pockets)"I got this free pass to Mar-a-Lago or a full round of 18 at Bedminster" "you can even tee off from Ivana's weed covered resting place!"

Courts: "Sorry Herr Donald, but we require Payment-in-full, in order to hear your case on appeal."

Trumps Attorney- "the blanket prohibition on lending transactions would make it impossible to secure and post a complete bond," "Appellants nonetheless plan to secure and post a bond in the amount of $100 million- cause that's all the coins we found in the cushions at Mar-A'Lago".

Court- Did you think this was a negotiation?

Trumps Attorney- "pretty please with sugar on top- cause Donald is just a little short on the full amount by 364 million".

Court- "What about the 450 Million in cash reserves that was reportedly available per your disclosures on your loan applications?"

Trumps Attorney-" well we don't know nothing about that sir- but let me ask our client". whisper, whisper, whisper... Sorry Judge, that was a claim written under the disclaimer, and nobody ever pinkie swore that there was actual cash kinda money. It's more of that 'I think there should be money there' There". " Will a fat Hundo work for you?"

Court- "You have 30 days from date of judgement to secure the whole amount of your appeal will be dismissed."

Trump- "Did that guy fall for the ol' Hundo trick?? I use that all the time when I need to get someone to agree to things, then I pay you guys to get me out of it! "

Trumps Attorney-" well he sorta fell for it. He was laughing at us and told us to get the fuck out the courtroom till we find the other 364 million.....You're good for it right?"

Trump-" What the fuck you talking about Willis!", "thats' my birthright you are asking for- I don't got any level of that kind of scratch' , You guys have read my disclaimer haven't you!?"

Trump Attorneys-"Yeah we wrote it for you- 'All the stuff on this financial sheet is just an opinion, none of it based on facts, and trust me once, shame on me, trust me twice shame on you'..
--"That one mr. Trump?"

Trump- "Yep..You guys know I'm not paying you don't ya?!, someone get me Alina Habba on the phone- she still owes me a favor!- She loves me- Yeah that's the ticket".

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Old 02-28-2024, 12:22 PM   #2
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Old 02-28-2024, 12:56 PM   #3
ICU 812
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No, that doesn't look good for Mr. Trump.
I have no idea if he can ever raise the near half billion dollrs th court demands. YET I also wonder if this is an initial low-ball offer to set up the appeal.

If the court turns down $100M and subsequently accepts any follow-up offers, even the full amount, the Trump legal team may argue that the accepted amount was "unreasonable and" lean on the 8th Amendment.

But then, maybe I have read too many of Connley's Lincoln Lawyer stories.
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Old 02-28-2024, 01:46 PM   #4
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Do y'all think you get to negotiate the amount to appeal? Is this a Trump rule? One can always get a bond so you pay less but negotiate with the court, man where do y'all get that from?
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Old 02-28-2024, 02:12 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
You're a little Short Sir. 464 Million in needed to appeal your case!
How can this be right? Having to have money just to have the right to appeal. I am not a lawyer but that seems wrong to me. Can someone explain this to me please.
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Old 02-28-2024, 03:23 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Do y'all think you get to negotiate the amount to appeal? Is this a Trump rule? One can always get a bond so you pay less but negotiate with the court, man where do y'all get that from?
No, he can't. The cunt prosecutor tish james and her cat's paw judge arthur "kangaroo" engeron banned trump from borrowing or doing business with any New York financial institutions for 3 years.

Try getting a bond for such a ridiculous unprecedented amount. Fuck yeah, his lawyers should be negotiating for less!

As they noted, the financial penalty is "farcically absurd" and part of a "zealous quest to inflict untoward punishment" by an abusive, far-left, hyper-partisan, brazenly biased, trump-hating crackpot judge.

Oh wait - it looks like the appeals judge has lifted Judge Kangaroo's banking ban.

"...in a potentially significant detail, Singh did grant a temporary stay of Engoron’s directive blocking Trump and his company from seeking loans from financial institutions in New York for three years, which Trump’s attorneys suggested was a hindrance to posting the full bond."

A good start... but the only way we will ever restore a smidgen of public confidence in the fairness and decency of our judiciary is when we start impeaching and disbarring crackpot abusive judges like Kangaroo engeron!
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Old 02-28-2024, 03:28 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
How can this be right? Having to have money just to have the right to appeal. I am not a lawyer but that seems wrong to me. Can someone explain this to me please.
It is wrong. Especially if the judgment amount is more absurdly inflated than anything trump put down on his SFC. But that's the whole point. Judge Kangaroo is trying to make it impossible for trump to appeal.
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Old 02-28-2024, 03:48 PM   #8
Salty Again
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... All just a patchel of legal maneuverings there, mates.
The Trump people trying to be kind - and give the Court
a way out of this mess...

As I've mentioned before - once the appeal starts - and so does
the pushing and shoving and this gets overturned - then the
lawsuit for malicious prosecution starts.

And the lawsuit for Damages - both proper AND punitive...

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Old 02-28-2024, 04:06 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
How can this be right? Having to have money just to have the right to appeal. I am not a lawyer but that seems wrong to me. Can someone explain this to me please.
... It's what happens when there's a two-tiered system
of Justice, mate. ... Even when there's NO Crime.

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Old 02-28-2024, 04:44 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
It is wrong. Especially if the judgment amount is more absurdly inflated than anything trump put down on his SFC. But that's the whole point. Judge Kangaroo is trying to make it impossible for trump to appeal.
Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... It's what happens when there's a two-tiered system
of Justice, mate. ... Even when there's NO Crime.

#### Salty
I’m not looking to debate the amount or the legality of the claim. Just the requirement of needing to pay in full or to come up with a bond before an appeals process can proceed. Is that the way the law is written?
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Old 02-28-2024, 04:57 PM   #11
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Neither of them know what the fuck they are talking about. Ignore them both.
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Old 02-28-2024, 05:02 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Neither of them know what the fuck they are talking about. Ignore them both.
... Then answer the lad's question.
You're the so-called barrister...

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Old 02-28-2024, 05:09 PM   #13
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The answer was provided before. You have to post cash or a bond in the amount of the judgment and sometimes judicial interest depending on the state.

Hence, Trump needs to put up 90+ million in his Carrol appeal and nearly 480,000,000 in his civil fraud appeal. He can find some bond agency to place the bond and he'd pay them some lesser amount of cash and likely have to leverage a significant number of properties if they have any real value. And this has to occur prior to the date for the bond or any extension which is granted.
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Old 02-28-2024, 05:23 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
The answer was provided before. You have to post cash or a bond in the amount of the judgment and sometimes judicial interest depending on the state.

Hence, Trump needs to put up 90+ million in his Carrol appeal and nearly 480,000,000 in his civil fraud appeal. He can find some bond agency to place the bond and he'd pay them some lesser amount of cash and likely have to leverage a significant number of properties if they have any real value. And this has to occur prior to the date for the bond or any extension which is granted.
Thank you for your response. But just to be specific. If I lose a civil case in New York and I am adjudicated to pay a penalty in an amount that I can not afford there is no way to appeal without proof of a bond or payment in full. That seems highly problematic to me.
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Old 02-28-2024, 05:59 PM   #15
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That's the same in every state. In Louisiana, we have two separate ways of doing this. What we call a suspensive appeal which would prevent the plaintiff from moving to execute their judgment and a devolutive appeal which would allow them to move forward with executing their judgment as you appeal.

There is always the need to place a bond or surety to protect the plaintiff’s judgment while you appeal.
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