Make America Great Again
The word 'again' implies that it is not currently great.
Sure, that's fine. I can get behind that we need to improve America. Everything in the world is a work in progress.
What when they say that they want to make it great again, implies that the goal is to match a level of greatness previously reached.
When was America great?
In the 2000s when we were fighting the War on Terror, going after WMDs that didn't exist?
In the 80s and 90s when the CIA started the 'war on drugs'?
In the 70s when there was an energy crisis? Cold war against the Soviets?
In the 60s when we put a man on the moon?
In the 50s during the Jim Crow era where segregation was the norm? Where blacks in the south couldn't easily vote?
In the 40s, when America was only a fledgling Military Industrial nation? When we were at war?
20s and 30s during the great depression, where women didn't have the right to vote?
In the teens during the great war, where over 100k americans died?
Or earlier, when child labor was the norm. When the big rail monopolies basically ran the country? When slavery was legal?
Please, give context. Using the word 'again' implies you are going to do something that you did before. I'm going to see a hooker again. I'm going to watch Fox news again. I'm going to buy a 6-pack again. I'm going to work out so that I can get in shape again, like I was in my 20s, because now I'm an overweight fat fuck. All of those implied that you did that before.
When was America as great as MAGAs are wanting it to be great?
Or, now hear me out, are we just making America Great for Trump? It's very clear he doesn't give a rat bastard's ass about the country - his camp is blocking things in Washington that could help with the boarder. He outright said he wants the nation's economy to crash so that it benefits him. He doesn't pay his bills. Just sounds like he wants his brainwashed camp to make America better for him.
MABFT? Make America Better for Trump?
So please, MAGA enthusiasts, what decade are we trying to make America as great as it was?