Originally Posted by tommy156
And that's all it's ever been. He simply hates all the same people his voters hate.
He makes it "acceptable" for them to behave this way. And being able to openly hate those people again means everything to them.
Other way around. When Trump says to make fun of a physically disabled person, MAGAs will line up to point and laugh. When Trump says to 'throw men, women, and redacted' into the Rio Grande to drown, MAGAs get a hardon and book a ticket to Texas. When Trump says to 'take care of your democratic neighbors', MAGAs will get their guns and start shooting.
MAGAs can't think for themselves. That's why they fell into his cult. It's a lot easier to turn off your brain and let someone else do the thinking for you, than it is to use critical thinking.
Trump tells people who to hate. MAGAs then direct their hate to where they are told to.
That, and if you need guidelines to tell you how to be a good person (be it Trump, Faux News, or a good book), then you are, at your core, not a good person.