Claire, late of ShangriLa/ RRR/Pink Lily is now at Crystal
This post is a little out of place, but this thread was the most relevant I could find within the 30-day don't post anymore rule.
Claire, who had several great reviews when she was at ShangriLa/RRR (now Pink Lily) in 2022, is currently at Crystal on Pond Springs. She asked me to put the word out.
She's working as "Wendy" but is thinking of using Claire again. She's come to realize that Claire is her brand.
If you want to know what she's all about, use the ECCIE "Search This Forum" tool for her reviews at RRR. Use Claire as the keyword.
She's the same MILFy, slim and fit, very pretty, professional, service oriented, accommodating woman described in the reviews that will come up in the search.