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Old 01-16-2024, 11:39 PM   #1
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Default Anyone out there still believe Senile Biden's and the media lies about Hunter's laptop not being real

Just wondering since in another thread, Glenn Greenwald noted The extent to which Democrats in the US trust the planet's largest media corporations is amazing, and speaks volumes about why they're so easily propagandized.

We know the leftists were fed a line of bullshit from Senile Biden and the media about Hunter Biden's laptop not being real. Anyone out there still believe that the laptop was not real or are you willing to admit you were duped by the media and Senile Biden?
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Old 01-16-2024, 11:39 PM   #2
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Old 01-17-2024, 12:43 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Just wondering since in another thread, Glenn Greenwald noted The extent to which Democrats in the US trust the planet's largest media corporations is amazing, and speaks volumes about why they're so easily propagandized.

We know the leftists were fed a line of bullshit from Senile Biden and the media about Hunter Biden's laptop not being real. Anyone out there still believe that the laptop was not real or are you willing to admit you were duped by the media and Senile Biden?
Reverse what you are saying, if it were one of your MAGA'S. That would have been said the first day.
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Old 01-17-2024, 05:26 AM   #4
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Still waiting for Hillary's emails, and the Mexican funded wall.

Trump camp is nothing but full of hot air. It's a party of Hindenburgs waiting for the next spark to light their rage on fire
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Old 01-17-2024, 10:52 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
Still waiting for Hillary's emails, and the Mexican funded wall.

Trump camp is nothing but full of hot air. It's a party of Hindenburgs waiting for the next spark to light their rage on fire
Just 'one spark' away from a "Big Announcement".

Of course there is so much H2, and gunpowder around ....who would the dems be to dissuade the GOP from handing out matches during their rallies and heil's to the leader.

"he smoking section is now open'- cause "rights and shit"

Imagine how many more scams and horsecrap will come out for Trump in the next 4 yrs, let alone in the next 8 months!!!

Relative to the Laptop being real- I believe that there is "many copies" of the drive in question out there- yet the concern is that it was produced- via Rudy Giuliani, and while it 'could be' legitimate, his actual involvement in it, makes it less than so. I'd say that the contents of Hunter being on it, does give credence to it, but it could also have been altered to be "more damning" and add nefarious details that are partial or total untruths. That said, I'm fine with it being explored, and if it shows something bad about Hunter or JOE or anyone, that's fine. Let the chips fall where they may, but it also seems to me, that the hillbilly fuckadoos Comer, and his bro from another mo, Jordan haven't been able to link directly anything to Joe. Even Devon Archer said he's not seen any nefarious actions by Joe- The only person here who matters since he's the one running for office, and that means- they don't have shit.

So the question is this- what does that laptop have to do with Joe Biden- anymore than DJT jr's choice in used up hooker style skanks, like Guilfoyle, who likely still calls Gavin Newsome to complain about Jr's limp dick?
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Old 01-17-2024, 11:17 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post
Reverse what you are saying, if it were one of your MAGA'S. That would have been said the first day.
You didn't answer the question

Do you still believe that the laptop was not real or are you willing to admit you were duped by the media and Senile Biden?
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Old 01-17-2024, 11:22 AM   #7
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4 responses and it'd telling that not one person even addressed the question or attempted to answer it.

Do people not want to admit that Glenn Greenwald was right when he noted the extent to which Democrats in the US trust the planet's largest media corporations speaks volumes about why they're so easily propagandized?

Are leftists afraid to admit that yes, they were duped by the media and Senile Biden on Hunter's laptop?
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Old 01-17-2024, 01:11 PM   #8
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Who is more trustworthy? National news, or tabloids that are still talking about Obama being an alien?

MAGAs are sounding like someone who reads the tabloid and are confused and upset why nobody else believes what they read while in line for gas....
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Old 01-17-2024, 02:21 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
Who is more trustworthy? National news, or tabloids that are still talking about Obama being an alien?

MAGAs are sounding like someone who reads the tabloid and are confused and upset why nobody else believes what they read while in line for gas....
So to clarify, is that a yes or a no?

Do you still believe that the laptop was not real or are you willing to admit you were duped by the media and Senile Biden?
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Old 01-17-2024, 03:26 PM   #10
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It's absurd to say that Hunter didn't have a laptop. Is the debate really down to if he owned a laptop or otherwise had one in his procession in the past, and if he did, was it real?
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Old 01-17-2024, 04:03 PM   #11
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Default Blink If You Think It Was Blinken

Of course the laptop was real. Even the New York Times ("All the News That's Fit to Print") and the Washington Post ("Democracy Dies In Darkness") finally admitted it... albeit 2-1/2 years late!


If such reliable (cough, cough) news outlets as the NYT and WaPo can finally come clean and admit it, why can't everyone who posts here do the same?

The part of the story I find incredible is - who do you think was the mastermind who put together the infamous denial letter released just before the 2020 election and signed by 51 ex-spooks claiming the laptop bore "all the classic earmarks of a Russian disinformation operation"?

It must have been someone Biden put in charge of his campaign "dirty tricks", dontcha think?

Well, the culprit was... drum roll, wait for it... none other than our current Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken!

I don't know about you, but I'm not in favor of rewarding a lowlife political hack who coordinates a BIG LIE like that by promoting him to our most coveted Cabinet post where he shapes our foreign policy and represents the United States around the globe!

Everyone Blinken meets - friend or foe - knows about this. They're thinking to themselves "what a fucking hack!" as they shake his hand and pose for photo ops. No wonder we're not respected or taken seriously under Biden.

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Old 01-17-2024, 11:15 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
It's absurd to say that Hunter didn't have a laptop. Is the debate really down to if he owned a laptop or otherwise had one in his procession in the past, and if he did, was it real?
The question is, when the Hunter Biden laptop and all it's contents were exposed in October 2020 by the NY Post and others, right before the election, the media, 51 ex-spooks, and leftists everywhere all claimed the laptop was not real and was Russian disinformation.

For several years after this, leftists here continued to claim the laptop was not real. So the simple question I asked, that everyone from the left has avoided answering is this - Does anyone out there still believe that the laptop was not real or are you willing to admit you were duped by the media and Senile Biden?

It's not a hard or trick question. So what say you - you admit it is real or you were duped by the media and Senile Biden?
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Old 01-18-2024, 01:32 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
The question is, when the Hunter Biden laptop and all it's contents were exposed in October 2020 by the NY Post and others, right before the election, the media, 51 ex-spooks, and leftists everywhere all claimed the laptop was not real and was Russian disinformation.

For several years after this, leftists here continued to claim the laptop was not real. So the simple question I asked, that everyone from the left has avoided answering is this - Does anyone out there still believe that the laptop was not real or are you willing to admit you were duped by the media and Senile Biden?
I already answered this in the prior post on this thread. I think the fact that the laptop came from a repair shop and ultimately was given to Rudy Giuliani is what is suspect. Not that a laptop is fake, but given that Rudy has been a proven liar, and conman, and is facing bankruptcy due to those facts, I'm beyond hesitant to say that the contents of the same laptop are 100% legit. Id go even further to say, I'd say that there is likely planted material in there to make things more salacious and some that are outright false. AND- even if the laptop is 100% real, how does it tie in JOE and anything improper relating to him.

Hunter is his own worse enemy- and the Select committee seems to say regularly that they are on the cusp of having the damning evidence, but they still got zero that directly ties Joe to anything other than a car loan and house loan.- repayment.

In the land of reality if there was something on that laptop that was so incriminating, we would have heard about it. It seems to populate the airwaves of FOX, X, bitchute and OAN enough that the folks here who are "true believers", are convinced it contains that, and more- the secret location to Jimmy Hoffa, Area 51, and the secrets of the pyramids and how they were built. Or we'll just have to wait till someone on FOX news writes a book about it. What we know for certain is it won't be Corn-Pone Hillbilly boys Comer or Jordan, who likely can't craft a book script if it involves more than filling in sections of coloring book.

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Old 01-18-2024, 01:53 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
I already answered this in the prior post on this thread. I think the fact that the laptop came from a repair shop and ultimately was given to Rudy Giuliani is what is suspect. Not that a laptop is fake, but given that Rudy has been a proven liar, and conman, and is facing bankruptcy due to those facts, I'm beyond hesitant to say that the contents of the same laptop are 100% legit. Id go even further to say, I'd say that there is likely planted material in there to make things more salacious and some that are outright false. AND- even if the laptop is 100% real, how does it tie in JOE and anything improper relating to him.
So just to clarify, you are saying you do not believe the laptop and it's contents are 100% legit. Do I have that right?

As to how it ties to Senile Biden - you do realize don't you that polls show that if Senile Biden and the media did not lie about it before the election, many voters would have never voted for Senile Biden.

And you do realize that there are a lot of incriminating documents on it that have already been used in the prosecution of Hunter and the ongoing corruption and impeachment investigation into Senile Biden
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Old 01-18-2024, 02:13 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
So just to clarify, you are saying you do not believe the laptop and it's contents are 100% legit. Do I have that right?

As to how it ties to Senile Biden - you do realize don't you that polls show that if Senile Biden and the media did not lie about it before the election, many voters would have never voted for Senile Biden.

And you do realize that there are a lot of incriminating documents on it that have already been used in the prosecution of Hunter and the ongoing corruption and impeachment investigation into Senile Biden
Correct- I don't think that the laptop is 100% accurate, due to how it was produced and the hands that it went through. I also have said, that it should be investigated and let the chips fall where they may. The fact that it came up timing wise- near the election, to me is really not consequential, as I don't think its had the impact that you think it would have/ could have. Polls have been about as accurate as weather predictions, etc. I just don't think the laptop is as important as you do, and I haven't seen the outcomes of the information thats on it. I am skeptical to say the least.
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