Originally Posted by oneeyedmounstro
sounds similar to my warning...its not like you all don't have many other places to choose from...sorry for the bad sexperience...you guys should stop going to this place for a while until they get their act together
Agree! Went to Golden the other day and the woman wouldn’t show her face but held her hand through the window and asked for “sixty dolla’ preaze.” I told her she was crazy and why would I give her money when I don’t even know who I’m giving it. She finally stepped into the light and wasn’t my type. Made sense then why she tried to hide. I feel sorry for the desperate mongers who need a pork chop around their necks just so their dogs will play with them. Even the ugly spa girls take advantage when they can.
All these Austin AMPs need a facelift. Sooner than later. No integrity and no care about service quality and consistency.