Once again we are being misdirected, as you noticed there is no link.
And what you have is neo nazis with a small nazi political party that will never stand a chance at being elected.
The same skinhead assholes that run around this country.
And we of course have the American nazi party here too.
Remember the we will not be replaced assholes and their tiki tourch march at Charlottesville?
Those fine people!
I'm sure some of them post frequently in this very forum!
Putin was going to have his invasion no matter what it took. He want Ukraine back no matter what, so to whip the Russian populace into a frenzy he told the that Ukraine was just brimming with nazis. And nothing will whip a Russian into a frenzy faster than telling them that their neighbor is loaded with nazis hell bent on raping pillaging and killing Russians.
With shades of WW2 dancing in their heads, of course they would demand action!
But Putin only tells them what he want them to know, there is no more of a free press in Russia that there are free and fair elections!
It's all bullshit designed to support their views as everything on here is!
Lie distract whine!
This is today's sandbox!
And the Azov battalion is getting all the shit jobs and performing well in every assignment it is given.
And credit where credit is due they are good and hard fighters and the last I heard they haven't tried to shove anyone into an oven!
Nore is the majority of the Azov battalion nazis, they were first made into a national guard unit, then they were dispersed into other units!
What is being over looked here in this post is that it is one of the costs of freedom that you will have oppositions parties of all sorts, and you may not agree with them. So Ukraine was practicing freedom, in spite of all the obsticals of the previous administration.
And of course it is being overlooked Tha zelensky is a jew!
So whats a jew doing running a nazi led country?
We have our neo nazis too!
And what is actually in the Ukraine is a bunch of skinheads, just as Poland has theirs Canada has theirs and so do we!
Along with the crappy little nazi parties to go along with them so they too have someone to vote for!
The chance of them becoming successful at being elected, either her or Ukraine probably about the same as the orange turds!
Originally Posted by zippyboy
Got a link to the source of that poll? Know who was surveyed? Or by whom?
It is just bold statement with bold interpretation probably needs some critical thinking and thought applied to it before fully understood.