Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
How many WNBA games have you watched?
how many have you watched?
Originally Posted by berryberry
Russian President Putin is doing more to promote American patriotism in the WNBA than the Democrats. Britney Griner plans to stand for the national anthem after spending months in a Russian prison.
big brother, i.e. the NBA requires the Anthem be played by all teams and that all team members stand. they have of course bowed to wokeism and not enforced this strictly in recent years.
The NBA requires players to stand during the anthem. However, the policy has not been enforced in recent years. Many athletes on all levels of competition have chosen to kneel during the anthem as a form of protest against racial and social injustice and in support of Black Lives Matter.Feb 10, 2021
NBA Says All Teams Will Play The National Anthem At Games
here is Time 'splaining why Brittsey Grimy will stand
Why Brittney Griner Will Stand for the National Anthem This Year
Having been put in a literal
cage, too small for her frame, stripped of her essential American freedoms, and deprived of even her most basic rights during a sham trial and unjust sentencing, Brittney, supported by many other players, will make a statement this WNBA season by standing tall for those uniquely American freedoms—the most important of which being the absolute and inviolable and constitutionally protected freedom to stand, sit, kneel, praise, protest, and otherwise make your voice heard.
this of course validates berry's thread. it took a dose of the other world to make "little bitsy" realize how good she has it here in the USA.