Originally Posted by HDGristle
Biden did a wrong thing. Trump did a wrong thing. Garland did a right thing.
yes he did, however one could say the political optics from Trump's highly over publicized issue forced him to when he might otherwise not. so we'll see how this plays out. if Trump is punished which he
should not be then so should Biden who will not be. unless the Dems intend to dump him. and they might, i mean, they've rigged the process against their own candidates before, just ask Bernie Sanders. what kind of party does that? bahhaaa. and no the Republicans aren't saints either but the Democrats are the Kings of back door power broker deals. just ask the Queen herself, Hillary who also skated on the same overall issue, having sent and receiving classified documents in an unsecured manner. in order to do that, one of her lackeys had to enter a secure area and override protocols to send them to her. interesting that!!!
and by the way, Barry Soetoro lied to the public when he claimed he found out about Hillary's private email server from the press "like everyone else" when it has now been proven he himself had a email alias and regularly communicated with Hillary on her private server.
Trump actually has the upper hand here. he was president at the time and Biden was not. so unless Barry wants to cover for him and claim he was authorized by Barry to the material (he won't touch this with a 10 foot pole) then Biden is flapping in the wind.
Biden as president can't retroactively declassify the items. Barry won't cover for him. the press will work overtime to deflect the issue as "not the same". it is. actually it's worse because the NY Times, bastion of all things " WE HATE TRUMP" did an extensive review of the security of the documents at Mar-A-Lago and i can guarantee you it's far more secure than Joey's fucking garage.