Originally Posted by bbell3
Thanks bcg. Would you want to come to the doctors with me and I'll let you do the talking. Just kidding. It's kind of hard to do because the nurse practioner that I see is also a family friend. But I guess I need to man up and just do it.
The "NP is family friend" is a twist you didn't mention.
I've not had that problem, but I can see why that would be reason to be hesitant to bring it up. I'd hope that there would be a way around it when making the appointment (ask to be seen by another NP (if there is one)? Suggest to the NP that you have a problem that you'd rather talk to the doc about directly and leave it at that?) I'm sure that this is a situation that has come up in the past and can be worked around.
Of course, the fact will be that the ED problem will be in the office's patient records, and there's no practical way that you'll be able to keep her from knowing about it (she's going to have to review the records before the next time she sees you for that hangnail or whatever). If the issue is that you just don't want to talk to her about it, but you're ok with her knowing about it, that's not an issue. If you're concerned with her not even knowing about it... That can be a much more difficult thing to accomplish.
Good luck!