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Old 11-04-2022, 01:54 PM   #1
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Default America hating Dems going down like the Titantic

Next week?
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Old 11-05-2022, 05:50 AM   #2
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Not there yet! We still have to turn out and vote.

Are you all set to vote, but can not get to a polling place for some reason? Call the county party headquarters of your choice and someone there will figure out how to get you there.

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Old 11-05-2022, 02:08 PM   #3
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Is this going to be anything like 2018 when the Republicans got shellacked
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Old 11-05-2022, 03:22 PM   #4
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And don't dare forget everybody...if the gob wins a race it was a fair election. If the Dems win a race it was a rigged election and civil war is in order. Even...if a dim-witted ex football player wins. The face of the NEW swampy gop

The gop is so fucked
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Old 11-05-2022, 04:05 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Is this going to be anything like 2018 when the Republicans got shellacked

the republicans didn't get shellacked. and it'll be an epic reversal more like 2012 when Obama and his dems lost in historic fashion suffering the worst midterm loss since Eisenhower.


A reversal of power in Congress.

President Obama entered the White House with his party touting a 60 seat majority in the Senate and 257 seat majority in the House. Democrats now hold a 48* seat minority in the Senate and 194 seat minority in the House — a net loss of 12 and 64 seats respectively.

the demtards are going down. bigly.

Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
And don't dare forget everybody...if the gob wins a race it was a fair election. If the Dems win a race it was a rigged election and civil war is in order. Even...if a dim-witted ex football player wins. The face of the NEW swampy gop

The DNC is so fucked

you are aware aren't you that Democrats have questioned election results also, yes? many times in fact. the Democrats without any evidence immediately declared Trump's victory illegitimate. they in fact declared they were going to "find a reason" to impeach him before he was even sworn in.

Biden is going to preside over the biggest midtern loss in American political history.

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Old 11-05-2022, 04:19 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
the republicans didn't get shellacked. and it'll be an epic reversal more like 2012 when Obama and his dems lost in historic fashion suffering the worst midterm loss since Eisenhower.


A reversal of power in Congress.

President Obama entered the White House with his party touting a 60 seat majority in the Senate and 257 seat majority in the House. Democrats now hold a 48* seat minority in the Senate and 194 seat minority in the House — a net loss of 12 and 64 seats respectively.

the demtards are going down. bigly.

So they had 60 and 257....so I should have said ...The GOP was shellecked in 2008.

Thank you valued poster
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Old 11-05-2022, 04:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
So they had 60 and 257....so I should have said ...The GOP was shellecked in 2008.

Thank you valued poster

did they? how about some stats on that. and 2008 was a presidential election year not a midterm. but you knew that, right?
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Old 11-05-2022, 04:56 PM   #8
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let the good times roll... fuckers
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Old 11-05-2022, 08:12 PM   #9
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Sadly, it seems the facists putin dick sucking trumptards will pick up seats. They are the traitorous leches sucking on the government dole because they are too feckless, fat and lazy to earn a real income.
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Old 11-05-2022, 08:15 PM   #10
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The gop is so fucked. If they lose there is coup attempt from a "bunch" (millions and more I heard of gop fucking loser morans. If the Dems lose they do what??? Actually show some class.what did Obama do when he lost to Trump lol. What did the fucking orange looser do when he lost two popular elections by record numbers

The gop is so fucked. Some still suk the orange mushroom
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Old 11-05-2022, 08:29 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by greenbook View Post
Sadly, it seems the facists putin dick sucking trumptards will pick up seats. They are the traitorous leches sucking on the government dole because they are too feckless, fat and lazy to earn a real income.

lazy democrats

Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
The gop is so fucked. If they lose there is coup attempt from a "bunch" (millions and more I heard of gop fucking loser morans. If the Dems lose they do what??? Actually show some class.what did Obama do when he lost to Trump lol. What did the fucking orange looser do when he lost two popular elections by record numbers

The gop is so fucked. Some still suk the orange mushroom

lazy democrats

prove me wrong
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Old 11-05-2022, 09:49 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

you are aware aren't you that Democrats have questioned election results also, yes? many times in fact. the Democrats without any evidence immediately declared Trump's victory illegitimate. they in fact declared they were going to "find a reason" to impeach him before he was even sworn in.

A question I keep asking over and over and over again. Is this person aware that Democrats in 2001, 2005 and 2017, stood up just like Hawley and Cruz and said,"I object to confirming the electors from...pick a State" but that was OK! Hell, look up the video of Joe Biden as VP, presiding over the confirmation of electors, banging his gavel to get a female Democrat, I think it was Maxine Waters, to sit down and shut the Hell up because you have been ruled "OUT OF ORDER", but it was her Constitutional right to object. Do the Democrats really want to call this "treasonous" because it is looking like they will be returning to the under dogs real soon in will engage in any Constitutional or un-Constitutional act to get that power back.

NO, the Democrats did not "storm the Capital" after objecting to the process but that is a whole different story. This story is about the fact that Republicans like Hawley and Cruz, for whatever their other faults might be, did the very same thing Democrats have done on the 3 previous occasions sighted. It is not Un-Constitutional, it is not a breach of oath of office and it is not an insurrectionist ACT but if someone wants to make it one, then both parties are guilty of "opposing the sitting of electors in States they view as problematic".

So, did the person you responded to know this and didn't give a shit or were they ignorant of theses facts because every Democrat I have ever spoken to on this subject, either never heard about Democrats objecting to the confirmation of electors, because CNN and MSNBC never showed the video archives of Democrats doing, having done the same damn thing, they are complaining about and you know damn well, the people in Congress know this because most of them are still there but they choose not to speak up and say "can we at least get the facts right", but no, neither party is anywhere near ready to do that.

It looks like political war from here on out. We've gone to far down the rabbit hole to find our way back...... but hell, I'll either be dead or REALLY, Really to old to give a shit any more.

It would be a real nice surprise to be wrong and between Republican leadership and "the people", who are about to tell the Democrats how badly they fucked up their chance to stay in power and plenty of intelligent Democrats, not an oxymoron because there are plenty, they just get swept up in the power grab at these times. It can be seen on the political talk shows and one name keeps coming up to bring this point home, Bill Mahr covers this topic every single Friday night for months now, telling Democrats and the smart ones I referred to who know this as well, "adopting wokeness", is killing the Democrat Party in this cycle but the "woksters" much like the once ballyhooed "Tea Party" on the Republican side, have seized control of the message in the Democrat Party. Not everybody goes along with it much like plenty of Republicans had to go along with Trump crap that they wanted no part of but they did because that is what the "new loudest voices in the room were demanding and shit, they'll burn the whole damn country down to make their point.

So, come the end of next week if not sooner, according to every Democrat pundit and many officials too, are warning the American people to be sure and vote because, .....are you ready for this? If you don't vote Democrat, this will be the last election you will ever vote in! Yes, if you don't vote Democrat, Democracy as we know it, will be over and never to be erected again and all because you voted "your choice" for the path you want this country to take?

Doesn't that sound like Democracy to you?
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Old 11-06-2022, 04:32 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Is this going to be anything like 2018 when the Republicans got shellacked
At this point, who knows? Election DAY is still 48 hours away and all those early votes and mail-in ballots will take a while to tabulate (and perhaps "found")

The "experts" say it will be th either way. The dreamers sasy Republicans will get a 60-seat majority in the Senate . . .which has got to be a wet-dream wishful thinking.

Don't think it will go that far myself. More like the 1992 midterms when Cliton lost control but could have still vetoed things.

Wonder how many liberal progressives have pre-scheduled with a thera[pist?
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Old 11-06-2022, 04:47 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by greenbook View Post
They are the traitorous leches sucking on the government dole because they are too feckless, fat and lazy to earn a real income.
Really? That is the best you've got; name calling send gross mischaracterization?

I thought that the factions of our society that most closely fit that characterization were the BLM and Antifa rioters of 2020, and those who oscillated their truly fascist actions.

The 20th Century has severl brutal examples of this sort of societal dysfunction in the "Brown Shirts" and "Black Shirts"; the hooligan thugs of pre-war Italy and Germany. The yesr 2020 was an entire summer of "Kristallnacht."

With the nation reeling from the forced Covid shutdowns, they burned government buildings in about every major city and called for the abolition of law enforcement while celebrating the life of a misogynist criminal and drug addict.
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Old 11-06-2022, 05:00 AM   #15
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I encourage anyone to look up the social and political history of Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. In my youth I heard firsthand accounts of what that was like from eye-witness relatives who managed to escape it or who lived through it and survived WW-II.

The so-called socialists and fascists of that era may have come from opposite ends of the spectrum and hated each other, but in the end, their
authoritarian domination and oppression of free people was no different either way.

Both use the same tactics of disruption and brutality to gain their end. All that and more was on open display in 2020.

They have not gone away.

On Tuesday, VOTE if you have not already don so.
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