Guys, thanks for the very detailed answers. It is good to know I am not the only one out there dealing with erratic hobby chicks

Yeah, the MIA is really her thing, really. Now I recall one nice gal - a serious and responsible single-mother - cancelled on me one hour before the meet. I checked the next day on P411 and the account went inactive. Each person with her own journey…
Regarding the love interest for the old flame (in hobby world), it was all in a good vibe, but I hear you about her wanting more space. We were getting along together the last few times. Maybe my passion came on too strong but I was following-up proposing a date we both talked about.
Maybe I blew it with the ATF but Each person is different… when I met the first ATF back in 2015 - and she became legendary here on the board - she became comfortable from the start with my enthusiasm and we became good friends in a half hobby / half real life way. I was l no sugar daddy to her - she was making a killing in the hobby - but there was a “real connection”, as they say.
All in all, I still love the hobby. Like everything in life it has its risks and disappointments, the good stuff dont come cheap but hey…I fucked women of all body types/ethnicities/countries and it was all safe sex and with mutual respect. From whatI can tell here in Dallas you have to book at 400/hour or more to have a good time.inflation, eh?