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Old 09-04-2011, 09:02 AM   #1
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Default Calling all Ex-Wildflowers

Over the last few months since I've been a little more active on the boards, a number of Ex-Wildflowers, both civilians and providers have contacted me, asking how I'm doing, how's my health problems, how Mikki and Yogi are doing. I've met and had coffee with a number of them. I've seen Ava Baker, Trinity, Meg, Lexi/McKenzie, missed Solei, yesterday met with Reese McLain. In all of our discussions, it's always, who've you talked to, where's so and so. Reese brought up names she'd talked to in recent years and doesn't know where they are now, Jess Kelly, Hope, Candace Anderson, Laura
Garza, and more that would take 2 pages to write out. It got me thinking, as I get older, those of you who know me, I have no family, no kids, just long gone ex-wives, no mom or dad, aunts or uncles. Just me Mikki and Yogi. These ladies were my family for over 5 years, I'd like to reconnect. If you are an Ex-Wildflower, I'd like to talk to you, buy you a cup of coffee. If your so knows about you past life, bring him along. Bring the kids as one of my first coffee mates did, and her kids were adorable, says a guy who never wanted kids. If you know how to get ahold of an ex, let me know. I will be very discrete, and not try to expose anyone's prior life to their so/family. I only want to know that they're ok, AND TO THANK THEM FOR THEIR WORK. I think a company is only as good as it's employees, and we had GREAT employees. I want to say thanks and make sure your life is on the right track. And most important, GUYS, I'M NOT GETTING BACK IN THE BIZ, WILL NOT ACT AS A CONNECTION. But, if you help connect me, I'll buy you coffee also!!! Can't beat that can you? And, thank you guys for all you did for us as well.
So, guys, and ladies, please help me out. The coffee's on me.
The Wildflower Group
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Old 09-04-2011, 12:28 PM   #2
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I dont think Ive ever seen someone love coffee as much as you Billy
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Old 09-04-2011, 02:47 PM   #3
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Use to spend $50 a day hitting about 5 different StarBucks making the rounds and bringing coffee to the girls. When I made the mid-night shut down run, I had a convertable. I'd have Mikki and Yogi strapped in next to me. There's a StarBucks on the corner of Post Oak and Westheimer, open 24 hours. I'd zip through there, and they'd have a little doggie treat for them. They loved it. We'd check the spa's, and Yogi would just go crazy, with all the female and male scents. I don't know if he loved it, or was crazed, but it gave me great joy watching him run around all excited.
Actually, had tea yesterday with Reese.
BTW, may have just gotten a number for Raquel Hunter.
The Wildflower Group
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Old 09-04-2011, 05:01 PM   #4
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It's very good to know that people have...made it....after being in this business. This is already making be warm and fuzzy inside.
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Old 09-05-2011, 01:28 AM   #5
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And, hope I'm not stepping on toes. How is Beth, if you know? Good history there for me. Sorry I never made it by the restaurant before it was closed.
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Old 09-05-2011, 06:17 AM   #6
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She's fine, saw her last week. She was cleaning out a storage space and brought me some pictures of me and my dad. She's got a new life, has a guy, and is settling into the civilian world. I gave her one of the pups from Mikki and Yogi's last little a couple of years ago, and she keeps her happy when her guy is out of town working. Like all of us, she misses the old days. She's had offers to do stuff in the biz, but she doesn't look good in stripes!! Thanks for asking, and I'll pass the thoughts along.
The Wildflower Group
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Old 09-05-2011, 09:44 AM   #7
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Solei was the tall skinny one with reddish brown hair I think? I think I remember her.
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Old 09-05-2011, 11:26 AM   #8
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Yep. She's happily into civilian life. She did what the ladies should do, make their time in the business work for her, save money, and move into the civilian world. Good for those ladies who have the self discipline to do it right.
The Wildflower Group
"Solei Sorrier much better than Circ de Solei."
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Old 09-05-2011, 03:43 PM   #9
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Question Long-Term Examples...

I must say Billy, this brings a whole new perspective to the scene. I've seen a lot of comments/threads on this board advising against getting hitched to a provider.

So, there are providers who have left the biz...got hitched...and have decent civilian lives with their partners? Would you please enlighten us on a few good examples...preferably time-tested...long-term ones....perhaps, without divulging any names.

The reason I'm asking is, I was considering this one time with a lovely lady...but let it go...due to various reasons....though the possibility has not left me entirely... Well, what can I say? I'm an optimist.

Thanks a lot.
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Old 09-05-2011, 06:29 PM   #10
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This is a favorite rant of mine, relationships in the biz. I've always likened a relationship in this business to just like an actress. Anjelina Jolie will go make a movie, have a few nude scenes, kiss a few guys, play grab ass, and then go home to Brad Pitt. As long as the two of them look at is as a JOB, and leave the JOB at the office, it will work. You have to separate business from personal. It works if you are Suzie Wildflower from 10-5, then from 6 on you are Suzie Homemaker. If guys let their imaginations run wild, they will drive themselves and wives crazy. Most of the ladies that have good relationships outside the hobby are both older and wiser than the young ladies. But then again, what is the ungodly number, something like 50% of ALL marriages end in divorce, so our ladies are going to be the same, just magnified because of the sex thing. Remember, usually the sexiest part of the human body is between the ears. If you decided to let the lady go, it was a smart decision on your part, not just because of the sex thing. I never want to be somewhere I'm not wanted. It's just so hard for guys to be honest with themselves and decide to trust someone when they're gone for 10 hours and you know they're being intimate with another guy(s). Even rub down girls have this problem with their guys. It's that animal thing, us guys are just so possessive. The ladies that I know who are in successful relationships, kids, white picket fence, and a dog, at some point were honest with their guy about the biz. It's much easier to be honest on the front end and see if it's for you, than not be honest then it all comes out later, and seems so much dirtier than it is. IT'S ONLY A JOB. THEY'RE ONLY TITS. It's the emotions that screw it all up.
The Wildflower Group
"I have 3 ex-wives. I was guilty of fooling around all during the marriages. Baseball/softball was my mistress."
And the funny thing is, I told them all up front, but them being women, and me being a guy, they thought they could change me, and I didn't want to change.
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Old 09-06-2011, 08:47 AM   #11
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Hope was awesome... Damn good!
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Old 09-06-2011, 09:53 AM   #12
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Reese told me Saturday that she's now married and a civilian in another state. Good for her.
The Wildflower Group
"Marriage, I've tried it a few times. It's cheaper being single."
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Old 09-06-2011, 09:08 PM   #13
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Cool Life...

Thanks for those philosophical thoughts Billy.

I think, I agree with pretty much everything you have said...and very true....the organ between the ears is usually the sexiest.

You know...sometimes I feel....even a few years of absolute bliss might be worth more than an eternity of mediocrity...and that gives me "hope"....which could lead to a "will"....which in turn could lead to a "way".

The philosophy of life.
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Old 09-06-2011, 09:15 PM   #14
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What ever happened to Vivian(I think that was her name)? Best lover I have ever had! I think she was Columbian with long black hair, very curvy, with a bit of a kardashian ass. I was a lot younger back then and could hang in there better than I do nowadays. Everytime I drive by 45 and main I smile and look for the yellow house even tho I don't think it's there anymore.
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Old 09-06-2011, 09:41 PM   #15
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I think I saw her on an agency site a couple of years ago. For the life of me, I don't remember it. Some kind of "Girls". If you're thinking of "The Cottage", that was most probaly Vanessa. Unbelievable lady. She was a friend of Bella's. Met her at a Starbucks. Didn't look like much, kind of plain. As a courtesy to Bella, brought her over to the house for pool pictures. Gave her 30 minutes to change and do makeup, and wowee zowee. Not the same lady at all. She transformed into a kitten at times, tigress at others. Turned into being a sultry, sexy lady. I believe she had a civilian life, have not heard from her in years. Another I'd like to have another cup of coffee with.
The Wildflower Group
"Vanessa had her own little Cottage industry going."
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