Originally Posted by Guber2113
According to her she asked to book at a certain and hotel and you chose a different one, then when she arrived there were "unmarked cars" that sketched her out.
why are you defending her for someone Elses encounter with her. that quite frankly you know nothing about except for what she must have told you!
white knightish one may say to get preferred treatment by the lady. you're new here but I've been in the game long enough to know these girls who pull this crap may straighten up for a bit.
however they always revert back to their scandalous ways! so when you trust that these girls wont do it to you know. I'm here saying i told you so because it will happen!
and quite frankly your discussing another monger with the girl then coming here to run tell that. makes me question your validity and usefulness to the community!
yes there are always two sides but i see it increasing of these girls wasting mongers time and money! if she didn't follow through with the date because her paranoia got the better of her which was likely induced by things not discussed here!
she essentially robbed him because he booked a room for a date that she didn't honor and wasted his time also.
i don't hobby much anymore because of this even old trusted friends cant be trusted in this endeavor because once they turn to the criminal side of this and have dependency's that drive it they will never turn back!