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Old 02-28-2022, 04:52 PM   #1
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Default Vlad is Mad:

Apparently Putin's efforts to over take Ukraine is being met with fierce resistance not only from the Ukrainian Army but it's citizens as well. Citizens of Ukraine have taken up arms and are also making Molotov Cocktails and using them against the Russians. A country of 40 million and an Army of roughly 200,000 troops. Ukraine is basically defeating the Russians at this point all by itself. My hat is off to them.

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Old 02-28-2022, 05:07 PM   #2
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Hats off to the Ukrainians. Sadly. We nor Europe will help them. They will die fighting for their freedom but they will die and lose.

I love their courage. Again, hats off to them.
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Old 02-28-2022, 05:18 PM   #3
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When will Putin revive Order 227.?
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Old 02-28-2022, 09:39 PM   #4
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... Let's see what happens, mates.
Before we write them off.

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Old 02-28-2022, 11:33 PM   #5
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Didn’t expect them to roll over and take a banana in their tailpipe, did you?

They do NOT want to fall under the yoke of Another strongman regime and are willing to die defending their democracy.

And they’re digging in.
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Old 03-01-2022, 04:22 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Didn’t expect them to roll over and take a banana in their tailpipe, did you?

They do NOT want to fall under the yoke of Another strongman regime and are willing to die defending their democracy.

And they’re digging in.
We see pictures on TV of those massive convoys of Russian vehicles.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Ukrainians had the attack aircraft and drones to turn those convoys into mass death zones?

Now, who could possibly furnish such equipment?
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Old 03-01-2022, 04:45 AM   #7
Wile E Coyote
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Much like the democrats in the U.S. who want socialism, countries with dictatorships hate countries that are free democracies and the ability for a society to make it's own choices.

People will fight to the death to keep it and would rather die than to live in a dictatorship. The American dream is not to get handouts, but to have the ability to work and earn your living.
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Old 03-01-2022, 05:46 AM   #8
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Too bad the Demo's are the majority. The Ur's need more from the US than a few bullets. There is a desert in Arizona full of perfectly good aircraft. Everything from fighters (F-16) to ground attack (A-10) to transport
(C-130). Wouldn't have cost much other than training. Not a new idea as we did same for UK in WW2 and Vietnam. Unfortunately Bidens staff were chosen for race and gender and not brains.
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Old 03-01-2022, 05:56 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post
Much like the democrats in the U.S. who want socialism, countries with dictatorships hate countries that are free democracies and the ability for a society to make it's own choices.

People will fight to the death to keep it and would rather die than to live in a dictatorship. The American dream is not to get handouts, but to have the ability to work and earn your living.
Make up your mind....you bitched about Biden leaving arms in Afganistan.

Had we supplied Ukraine and Putin overrun them....you'd be bitch yet again.

Seems you Trumpers just like to bitch.
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Old 03-01-2022, 06:07 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Sadly. We nor Europe will help them.

....but they will die and lose.
First as to your alleged sadness you might want to LISTEN to DementedBitten's speech tonight if you want to know about the help of "We," because DementedBitten will ASSUME responsibility for ALL OF THE HELP they are getting.

Secondly, "We" already have given them HELP ... Trump did during his Presidency ..! which provided them effective defense protection in the initial stages when Putin tried to gain air superiority.

Thirdly, I lost count of the list of European countries that are providing them help and will continue to do so. Example: The Germans just voted the funding to cover additional assistance above the Stingers they've provided and the Poles are delivering HiTech U.S. helicopters and handheld ground to air and ground to ground missiles ... not to mention accepting 100's of 1,000's of refugees, primarily women and children.

It's helpful if you seek information from a variety of sources, because those you seem to rely upon are Propaganda Networks...they are already praising DementedBitten for "winning" the "war" against the Russians!

Like they bragged about him "winning" the "war" on Covid by mandating masks and vaccines that he claimed prevented folks from getting Covid or spreading Covid!!!!!

And Like he predicted the inflation would not last long and it would be over in a year ... (that was last year!).

Just listen to him tonight. Get "the facts"!
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Old 03-01-2022, 07:05 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Make up your mind....you bitched about Biden leaving arms in Afganistan.

Had we supplied Ukraine and Putin overrun them....you'd be bitch yet again.

Seems you Trumpers just like to bitch.
We left the Afghans a lot of stuff they would not have had.

Russia already has (just about), as sophisticated weaponry as we do, they don’t need ours.

You are beginning to sound like you are “rootin’ for Putin”.
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Old 03-01-2022, 08:47 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
We see pictures on TV of those massive convoys of Russian vehicles.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Ukrainians had the attack aircraft and drones to turn those convoys into mass death zones?

Now, who could possibly furnish such equipment?

I was surprise to see footage of Russian convoy attacked by armed drone and who supplied those drones.


Ukraine’s Turkish-made drones face off against advanced Russian military

As the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to unfold, the Ukrainian military has flown a Turkish-made drone that has garnered attention in recent years for its tank-killing capabilities.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces Facebook page announced that its troops launched Turkish-made TB2 Bayraktars, a medium-sized tactical unmanned aerial vehicle that can carry anti-tank missiles, as the Russian military invaded in the early hours Thursday morning.
According to the Baykar website, the TB2 UAV can fly up to 138 miles per hour and can carry four smart munitions, or up to 330 pounds. It can also carry an ISR payload. The drone is about 39 feet long with a wingspan of 21 feet with an operational altitude is 18,000 feet. It has also notably seen real-world action, providing a sense of what its capabilities and drawbacks are on the battlefield.
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Old 03-01-2022, 08:55 AM   #13
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Good for the Turks.

Poland and other neighboring countries were supposed to provide Ukrainian pilots with their MiGs. But the pulled out at the last minute for fear of Russian reprisal. That’s disappointing.

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Old 03-01-2022, 09:46 AM   #14
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Default Whom rearmed them?

Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
...Citizens of Ukraine have taken up arms and are also making Molotov Cocktails and using them against the Russians...
Tell us of those arms of which they speak. I recall Obama getting a bunch-o-dollars allocated to getting them disarmed back in the day. Word on the street is those arms were subsequently resold to others. Maybe they did a buy-back program?

Obama Won’t Arm Ukraine Because He Led the Disarming of Ukraine
By Andrew C. McCarthy July 23, 2014 5:13 PM

Rich’s excellent column on Obama’s fecklessness in the face of Putin’s Ukraine aggression notes that the president has resisted not only causing real pain to Russia’s economy but providing the Ukrainian military with the weapons it needs to defend its sovereign territory and defeat Putin’s thugs. On the latter, Charles Krauthammer made similar observations here.

Meanwhile, the Daily Beast’s Eli Lake reports that among the defensive assets our government has denied Ukraine is “radar jamming and detection equipment necessary to evade and counter [Russian] anti-aircraft systems.” Last month, when it became clear that Moscow was providing the anti-aircraft systems to the Russia-backed rebels, Kiev asked this equipment. Last week, one of those systems was used to shoot down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, killing 298 people.

I do not think the president’s opposition to arming Ukraine is explained by his intentional American decline, his stated desire that the conflict not escalate (as if Ukrainian weakness somehow discourages Putin’s aggression), or the risible suggestion—advanced by Obama’s former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton—that Russian operatives shooting planes out of the sky is Europe’s problem.

We should be arming the Ukrainians not only because it is in our national interest to repel Putin’s ambitions, but also because we are the ones who disarmed the Ukrainians. Yet, that goes a long way toward explaining the president’s reluctance: as I’ve pointed out before, the American government official who was at the forefront of disarming Ukraine was none other than Senator Barack Obama. The Daily Mail had the report back in March:

As a U.S. senator, Barack Obama won $48 million in federal funding to help Ukraine destroy thousands of tons of guns and ammunition – weapons which are now unavailable to the Ukrainian army as it faces down Russian President Vladimir Putin during his invasion of Crimea. In August 2005, just seven months after his swearing-in, Obama traveled to Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine with then-Indiana Republican Senator Dick Lugar, touring a conventional weapons site. The two met in Kiev with President Victor Yushchenko, making the case that an existing Cooperative Threat Reduction Program covering the destruction of nuclear weapons should be expanded to include artillery, small arms, anti-aircraft weapons, and conventional ammunition of all kinds. After a stopover in London, the senators returned to Washington and declared that the U.S. should devote funds to speed up the destruction of more than 400,000 small arms, 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles, and more than 15,000 tons of ammunition.
A press release from then-Senator Lugar’s office included then-Senator Obama’s puerile proclamation that eliminating Ukraine’s stocks of conventional weapons would ensure “the safety of the Ukrainian people and people around the world, by keeping them out of conflicts around the world.” Rearming Ukraine now would underscore how wrong he was. That political embarrassment is a big reason why he refuses to do what needs to be done.

That resulted in Russia taking Crimea

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Old 03-01-2022, 05:04 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Good for the Turks.

Poland and other neighboring countries were supposed to provide Ukrainian pilots with their MiGs. But the pulled out at the last minute for fear of Russian reprisal. That’s disappointing.

Maybe you should volunteer?

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