Originally Posted by WTF
for once i agree with WTF. the US has meddled in regime change too many times and usually we get worse than we had before.
if we take out Putin that's an act of war. this isn't some banana republic this time .. it's Russia.
i don't think all of Putin's inner circle are onboard with all this. some of the Generals either. if this goes south then let the Russians depose Putin. they've done it before like they did with Khrushchev.
let them remove Putin.
Nikita Khrushchev with
Anastas Mikoyan (far right) in Berlin
Beginning in March 1964, Supreme Soviet presidium chairman and nominal head of state
Leonid Brezhnev began plotting Khrushchev's removal with his colleagues.
[260] While Brezhnev considered having Khrushchev arrested as he returned from a trip to
Scandinavia in June, he instead spent time persuading members of the Central Committee to support the ousting of Khrushchev, remembering how crucial the committee's support had been to Khrushchev in defeating the Anti-Party Group plot.
[260] Brezhnev was given ample time for his conspiracy; Khrushchev was absent from Moscow for a total of five months between January and September 1964.