Originally Posted by Tiny
Eighty five thousand people lost their jobs when Arthur Anderson was forced to close after the criminal conviction. And 1700 partners lost their investments in the firm. I don’t know whether Arthur Anderson’s creditors also went after their personal assets. The whole thing was a travesty.
Perhaps this could happen to the Trump Organization. I don’t know whether Trump deserves a slap on the wrist or a year or two in the big house. A lot of people cheat on their property taxes and lie to their banks and nothing comes of it. But some small number are prosecuted. And the balance of power is in favor of the prosecutor. Undoubtedly Trump has violated laws he didn’t even know existed. All of us have. And in New York I imagine Leticia James can find a court and jurors that will do whatever she wants.
it should happen to perkins cooie
and the clinton foundation
trump didnt do anything but what they all do
try to lessen his property tax bills
the cpa firm said they couldn't identify any one thing incorrect, but that the climate (politcal?) is bad:
"in the letter, Mazars noted that the firm had not “as a whole” found material discrepancies between the information the Trump Organization provided and the actual value of Mr. Trump’s assets. But given what it called “the totality of circumstances,” " they were bailing
when is the DA going after hellary for fraud and spying and every other lying thing she did against the trump campaign?
it happened in NY
oh never huh?
its all a political persecution which i once thought was not allowed in america