Too many great replies to quote... BUTT... I ASSure you that you will not be missed if you choose to Disable Your Account. There was only ONE disabled account that I do miss, and I just now noticed it from another State

Eccie may not be for everyone as the LAWS continue to change.
Personally, Life Is Always Changing Any Damn Ways; It's Called Growth/Living/Evolving. I love waking up every day to a new day, but that's me. My glass is always half full now.
Anywho... I love Eccie With Or Without Ads. This Is A Review Board Any Damn Ways. There is a Gallery Area as well. No board even comes close to Eccie in Texas, Period. Even the ones that bitch moan and complain about Eccie always come crawling back under new handles/mandles or activate old ones...
Soooo.... GO ECCIE!
Have A Great Night and Happy Hobbying!