Buckwild Dallas use to be my go to place for fun when I first moved here to dallas... The waitresses were awesome, the dancers were fun and so on... But now it's boring AF.. The cool waitresses are all gone or have massive egos all of a sudden.. They only sit with you if you buy a stupid frozen or have a shit load of liquor... You have dancers like Mai who threatened to have me kicked out of the club if I am ever in there when she is just because I hit her up on IG and asked how she was doing since I haven't seen her in the club.. You have dancers like Rose and Ivy who got pissed off at me because I wouldn't pay them $200 each for some head in VIP!! Other waitresses who when you call them over because you need a mixer for your liquor or some ice just look at you and walk by or shake there head no...
I remeber when you use to go to a BYOB and be able to party and everybody was having fun now it's shut the fuck up your just an ATM, don't smile, don't joke, don't touch and so on...
On a side note Buck Wild's IG posted a picture of Mai saying come see the beautiful Mai... I was like "Nah her ass should be fired for threatening customers!!" 5 minutes later they're page went dark no pics no story no nothing...

:mf_laughboun ce2: LMAO...