Originally Posted by playa76
Congrats on your selection and promotion!!!
Oh, and feel free to search for some additional responsibilities and leadership positions on these sites:
{staff edit-CK-- targeting is not allowed}
LOL. OK Back to my other activities that don't involve round the clock monitoring of prostitution review boards.
How original was that response?
Btw the links you shared were broken Lol
Ya know I just shed a tear,
These are some of the kindest words youve ever said to me and Im just overwhelmed right now and inconsolable probrably for another 5 min or so..
This could be the turning point where you FINALLY become a tenured member of a society, I mean if any will accept you.
One where men such as you can see trannies and not be judged.
One where you can find peace and FINALLY let go of the pain you felt when Betty gave ya the heave-HOE!
You keep working on it lil fella someday you'll be somebody!
Now you get back to your non hobby activities and keep your chin up (as a catcher that is)
Hey OP now that Im done slappin playa around for hijacking your thread
I think Texas has bigger issues right now with the abortion shit.
I dont think this Texas law will migrate to other states