Donald Trump is banned on social media, but terrorist Taliban members can tweet and post at will. What’s wrong with that picture. What’s worse is that MSNBC decided to give this terrorist group carte blanche in an interview with Ayman Mohyeldin who pretty much took whatever this Taliban spokesperson said. Newsbusters’ Curtis Houck clipped this exercise in propaganda dissemination that MSNBC decided to permit on its airwaves. Is this giving material assistance to terrorists? What is this? Of course, they’re going to deny their executing people en masse. They’re not morons. MSNBC is the village idiot here for nodding to this terrorist’s propaganda talking points.
The Taliban
are executing surrendering Afghan government troops. They’re going door-to-door looking for Afghans who had assisted the US in the war effort. The
brutality of Sharia law is coming back.
Leave it to MSNBC to roll out the red carpet to these guys. Someone should remind liberal America that the Taliban are the bad guys. I know they may have forgotten this because criticizing radical Islam and its terror groups is now white nationalism or something. The groups whose brutality they’ve rationalized because Trump was against Islamic terrorism are evil. Who didn’t get this memo? Then again, Mohyeldin had smeared war hero Chris Kyle as a racist
who went on “killing sprees,” so I guess I can’t be entirely too shocked about this media hit.

Did You Catch What's Wrong with Rashida Tlaib's Tweet about Afghanistan and the Taliban? Matt Vespa
MSNBC gave aid to terrorists. I know their ratings will never be as great as Fox News’ but selling out America for a few bucks. Shameful.
See link for tweets of Taliban propaganda - the Lying LSM is complicit in this disaster - and has blood on their hands of thousands of innocents dying - and to die- at theh hnds of islamic terrorists.