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It’s been a little over a year since the events of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, and things have mostly returned to normal in Seattle. People walk freely around Seattle’s Capitol Hill area. They go to restaurants, nightclubs, bars, and enjoy the summer social life. Yet, as the country discusses things such as insurrection, and the entire world witnesses it in Afghanistan, the events of last year’s "Summer of Love" aren’t mentioned anymore. Somehow, most of America has completely forgotten that radical leftist rioters tried to seal a door of a
police precinct with concrete and burn it down with police officers inside.

© Provided by Washington Examiner As this was happening, the city’s leadership abandoned their heroic police officers. Seattle’s mayor declared such assassination attempts as part of a “summer of love.” Her sentiments were shared by many
Democrats. Riots rocked Seattle again in September, including a
video of a police officer being hit in the head with a bat by a rioter.
Molotov cocktails were thrown into the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct. Yet, there wasn’t any outrage from Democrats at the attempts on police officers' lives. No request for investigations or hearings. Zero accountability.
Seattle’s police officers had to endure multiple attempts on their precinct, attempts on their lives, and the creation of a rogue city-state within Seattle. They also had to endure inflammatory rhetoric by their city’s leadership that made citizens think
they were the problem instead of the criminals the police were protecting the public from.
The police officers of Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct are heroes that should be celebrated but instead were ignored. They are heroes that stood by to defend their city as chaos was being sanctioned by Democrats throughout the country. Alfred Lord Tennyson’s famous poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” contains the lyrics, “theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die.” Tennyson's words embody the bravery of the Seattle Police Department.
It is time to hold those accountable for the destruction they have caused — in Seattle and throughout the country. Mayor Jenny Durkan’s enabling of Seattle’s insurrection is indicative of the attitude, sentiments, and inflammatory rhetoric shared by Democrats across the country. It has been a recipe for horror and destruction across cities throughout the country. And all the while the Democrats cause the destructive rioting, it is up to the police officers they vilify to bear the brunt of attacks and courageously defend the innocent people of the city from the rioters.
The police officers of Seattle are sworn in to serve and protect from those wishing to do people harm. Hopefully soon, the summer of love will ultimately be followed by the autumn of accountability.
DPST Communist city leaders set up teh property confiscation riots - and all should be held accountable -charge, trie, and in prison for life.
DPST minions will bray and screech their narrative - but when teh Squad comes for their own homes - well - that is different
Hypocirites - all - it is the narrative of DPST Communism./