Wow. Shameful for a state that prides itself on being a badass.
This is some shit that a state like Utah or Vermont would do.
Are you, fucking serious. Big, bad fucking Texas, coming up with some wussy ass shit like THIS! Really??
You mean to tell me, that the big bad, 'secede if we really wanted to', gun toting, horse galloping, boot and spurs wearing, bull riding, steak eating, backyard barbecuing, beer and whiskey chugging, moonshine smuggling, shindig and hoedown having, guitar playing, big rig driving, bullhorn limo riding, football worshipping, cowboy hat wearing, Lone Star flag waving, outlaw state like Texas is gonna let some bullshit law like this come to be?
You're gonna STAND there, and tell me that you're aiming to make it a felony to "engage" with what's supposed to be the hottest, prettiest, cornfed, biggest boob, roundest ass having, tractor riding, bale of hay tossing, Daisy Duke wearing, stick shift driving women in the country??

Can't say that I ain't disappointed in you.
You know the old slogan, "I ain't from Texas, but I got here as fast as I could?"
It's gonna turn into, "Well, fuck it. I ain't from Texas anyway...I'm going back home."