CoEd Crunch #2: Repliers
...a follow up to the previous number crunch on on CoEd threads
Sad to say, but CoEd is pretty much a Sausage-fest
- Admirers...89% of all replies
- Companions...11%
Top Companion Contributors:
- 5 posts: sexxxymalia
- 4 posts: Emmie
- 3 posts: Majichands & Dallas Rain
- 2 posts: Elisabeth Whispers & Grace Preston
- 1 post: 8 others
Tom Admirer Contributors
- 22 post: BLM69
- 17 posts: DownForWhatever
- 11 posts: porscheguy
- 10 posts: Tin Man
- 8 posts: rexdutchman, whitechocolate, Wile E Coyote
- 7 posts: mtabsw
- 6 posts: ManSlut, pmdelites
- 5 posts: Admiral Giggle, Joddxxx
- Less than 5: 64 Others