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Old 07-15-2021, 01:56 PM   #1
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Default Senile Biden's Regime just announced they are working with Facebook to censor more Americans.

Who are the fascists?

This is right out of the Hitler playbook. So on target for the Democrats

Big Tech and Big Government want the same thing → to control you.

Glenn Greenwald - prominent LIBERAL journalist - The Biden administration is telling Facebook which posts it regards as "problematic" so that Facebook can remove them.

This is the union of corporate and state power -- one of the classic hallmarks of fascism -- that the people who spent 5 years babbling about fascism support.

The White House is admitting that they're compiling lists of people who they claim are posting content they regard as "problematic" and that constitute "misinformation" and are demanding Facebook remove them. This is authoritarianism.

As I've documented before, the Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment's free speech guarantee is violated when government officials pressure or coerce private actors to censor for them. That is exactly what the Biden WH is doing with Facebook

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Old 07-16-2021, 12:08 PM   #2
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And they ramp up their fascism !!!

PSAKI: If you're banned on one social media platform, you should be banned on other social media platforms.


Meanwhile the left wing lackeys here pretend this is normal and fine
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Old 07-16-2021, 01:50 PM   #3
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Facebook's not the government. They can target speech they don't agree with or that violates their TOS. It will impact their bottom line.

If the government has it's finger on the button, that's a bridge too far.
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Old 07-16-2021, 02:03 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Facebook's not the government. They can target speech they don't agree with or that violates their TOS. It will impact their bottom line.

If the government has it's finger on the button, that's a bridge too far.
The government has more than it's finger on the button - the senile Biden regime is telling Facebook what to ban and making lists of people they claim are problematic

This is pure fascism !!!!!!!!!!!

Glenn Greenwald - prominent LIBERAL journalist - The Biden administration is telling Facebook which posts it regards as "problematic" so that Facebook can remove them.

This is the union of corporate and state power -- one of the classic hallmarks of fascism -- that the people who spent 5 years babbling about fascism support.

The White House is admitting that they're compiling lists of people who they claim are posting content they regard as "problematic" and that constitute "misinformation" and are demanding Facebook remove them. This is authoritarianism.
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Old 07-16-2021, 03:32 PM   #5
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This stuff is so anti-American that its insane

And we all know if President Trump did this it would break the internet, there would be 24 hour coverage on all mainstream news stations, etc

Yet the mainstream media just bite their tongues and go along with senile Biden and his fascist regime. Just like all the left wingers here who are silent on the issue

Glenn Greenwald "Seriously, who the fuck is the White House to be dictating who should and should not be banned from social media platforms, to keep lists of who they think are the spreaders of "misinformation," and then pressure companies they regulate to obey? This is pernicious shit"
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Old 07-16-2021, 11:30 PM   #6
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Glenn Greenwald

Here's the segment I just did on the Biden WH's attempts to control the internet and suppress information it dislikes (just as was done prior to the election with the Hunter Biden docs about Joe), and how it compares to what's done in Cuba and China. This is as tyrannical as it gets:

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Old 07-17-2021, 11:05 AM   #7
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LOL - this would be funny if not so dangerous to our country

Senile Biden has accused the world’s most powerful social media network of “killing people” by not doing enough to combat misinformation.

Facebook has responded by accusing the president of missing vaccine goals & passing the buck.
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Old 07-17-2021, 11:10 AM   #8
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Notice how all the libtards who falsely argued about President Trump and fascism avoid this thread like the plague when it turns out the senile dementia addled puppet they fraudulently put into office is the ACTUAL FASCIST

Let's here from noted Constitutional Lawyer and Scholar Jonathon Turley:

What is chilling is the degree to which reporters and academics support this censorship. Yet, that system is still not (to use Sen. Blumenthal's words) "robust enough" for Biden who wants these companies to carry out a more censorship of opposing views. Biden is accusing Facebook of actually killing people for refusing more extensive censorship of speech. The statement equates free speech with death itself. We have seen this type of reckless rhetoric in other areas where disagreement is treated as de facto racism or hate speech.

From the massive censorship programs to privately mandated vaccine “passports,” liberals are looking to companies from Apple to American Airlines to carry out social programs free from constitutional and political limits imposed on the government. If these trends continue, citizens could find themselves effectively exiled by order of corporate governors—unable to travel or go to school while also barred from espousing dissenting views on social media. If this outsourcing of government is allowed to expand, some citizens could find themselves, effectively, be “disappeared” within a shadow state that lacks any electoral or appellate process.
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Old 07-19-2021, 11:32 PM   #9
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White House Says Nothing 'Off The Table' When It Comes To Using Big Tech To Silence Dissent

After admitting that government officials are flagging what they deem “misinformation” to Facebook for censorship, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden administration is exploring options to exercise more control over social media platforms.

“I don’t think we’ve taken any options off the table.


And all the lefties here duck and hide because they support this fascism !!!
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Old 07-22-2021, 11:18 PM   #10
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Per Glenn Greenwald - Every day, we get another Democrat proposing some new way to control the internet and bend it to their will.

That's why I keep saying: censoring and controlling the internet is absolutely one of the very top priorities of the Democratic Party.
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Old 07-23-2021, 03:39 PM   #11
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Per Glenn Greenwald - Democrats began prioritizing censoring the internet after Hillary's 2016 loss: concluding the internet was too free and that's part of why they lost.

Same thing corporate media is doing now: seeing their audience evaporate and trust erode, so wanting to silence dissenting voices
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Old 07-23-2021, 10:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Per Glenn Greenwald - Democrats began prioritizing censoring the internet after Hillary's 2016 loss: concluding the internet was too free and that's part of why they lost.
Go back even further. When Obama won in 2012 his campaign managers (David Axelrod, Jim Messina, David Plouffe) were hailed as geniuses for their skillful use of the internet to boost turnout. When Trump won in 2016, his social media manager (Brad Parscale) was portrayed by the MSM as the devil incarnate for doing the exact same thing.

Dim-retards think the internet is awesome when it helps them, but when it doesn't they want to censor everyone.
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Old 07-24-2021, 03:55 PM   #13
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Meanwhile… around the world

News Quick reads:

_Power outage in many areas of Spain
_London floods the streets with protests
_Sydney Australia declares national emergency over delta variant/demonstration erupt and clash with police
_Large protests breakout in Australia France Italy England vaccines mandates vaccine passports and Covid restrictions
_Arizona senate calls to decertify the election
_Henan P China.. reports heaviest rainfall in 1000 years, 100 missing 70 dead and rising
_JUST IN - Austria's Interior Minister and Defense Minister announced in a joint press conference that the country will tighten its border protection as the "European asylum system has failed."
Austria will deploy hundreds of additional soldiers to the borders. "The situation is serious,"
_French hospital goes on INDEFINITE strike to protest Covid-19 vaccination mandate
_200 million people in China braces for typhoon
_For the ninth day in Iran protesters violently demonstrate and riot, due to no water and no internet
_Over 179 cities and protest sites Erupt in France
_Mass protests in Greece taking place as mainstream Media blackouts the demos
_Israel protesters start marching through the night
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Old 07-24-2021, 10:02 PM   #14
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One of the few things I agree on here. GOP needs to come up with a plan to get a fair shake with mainstream media….including social media.
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Old 07-25-2021, 07:02 AM   #15
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