Originally Posted by royamcr
We already know how trump's presidency works out. 600,000+ dead, 8 trillion added to the debt, Impeached TWICE. There's more but don't feel like wasting time talking about a trumpnothingburger.
right. the Trump "murdered 600,000 people" claim. nonsense. and about that 8 trillion .. you are factoring out all the covid relief from those numbers, right??
oh you aren't? then your numbers are totally wrong. and it was Pelsoi and the DEMS that loaded up that 4 TRILLION "relief" plan with the usual bunch of total bullshit spending.
studies about fish hatcheries. doling out millions to other nations. the usual liberal crap.
of course the DEMS and the press blamed Mitch for blocking as much of that wasteful crap as he could. and he was right to do so