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Old 07-04-2021, 10:48 AM   #1
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Default All of the ones on here that continuously cut down Biden they wrote an article for you to read

You need to read this, you may be surprised!!! We won't tell Trump you weren't a good soldier if you do. I am sure you will continue to believe his lies and Bullshit and will not work together to support our country.

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Old 07-04-2021, 11:51 AM   #2
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Republicans have blamed Biden's economic agenda for rising inflation and criticized him over the flow of migrants at the southern border. They have also recycled attacks from the 2020 election, raising questions about Biden's mental fitness and trying to tie him to the "defund the police" movement and the left wing of the Democratic party.
All of which is 100% accurate.

"Voters are seeing the job that Biden is doing and they're seeing the benefits."
This beer is $120/case. That line made me crack up and choke at least $6 worth out my nose. I’d like a refund from msn.
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Old 07-04-2021, 11:41 PM   #3
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LOL - meanwhile the dementia patient struggles for answers. He had to pull out note cards at an ice cream store to answer a simple question. Every normal American sees that he is a senile fool

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Old 07-04-2021, 11:43 PM   #4
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This was a day or so after he got visibly angry over a legitimate question about bringing the troops home from Afghanistan. Guess he was off his meds again

"I Want to Talk About Happy Things, Man": Biden Bristles At Simple Afghan Pullout Questions

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Old 07-04-2021, 11:46 PM   #5
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Americans are horrified by these weekly videos highlighting Biden’s mental state. But hey, maybe the media will keep covering up for and protecting the senile bastard Biden and only cover him when he goes to get ice cream which is about all he is intellectually capable of doing

Oh wait, look a real journalist even is throwing shade at him for this now. About time

"Seems he makes an ice cream pit stop with increasing frequency."


Ask yourself - who the hell is running the country. It sure isn't this senile idiot
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Old 07-05-2021, 06:58 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Americans are horrified by these weekly videos highlighting Biden’s mental state. But hey, maybe the media will keep covering up for and protecting the senile bastard Biden and only cover him when he goes to get ice cream which is about all he is intellectually capable of doing

Oh wait, look a real journalist even is throwing shade at him for this now. About time

"Seems he makes an ice cream pit stop with increasing frequency."


Ask yourself - who the hell is running the country. It sure isn't this senile idiot
- No, only trumpcultists are "horrified" by how DPSJB (dementia patient sleepy Joe Biden) is running the country.
- who doesn't like ice cream? Especially in the summer months?
- if DPSJB isn't running the country, what you are all so butt hurt about? You should be throwing 'shade' to whoever is running the country!
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Old 07-05-2021, 07:08 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by yinzerpgh View Post
- No, only trumpcultists are "horrified" by how DPSJB (dementia patient sleepy Joe Biden) is running the country.
- who doesn't like ice cream? Especially in the summer months?
- if DPSJB isn't running the country, what you are all so butt hurt about? You should be throwing 'shade' to whoever is running the country!
Joey Bribes isn’t running the country. So, you voted for someone who isn’t running the country. That should concern you. Should concern everyone. The Deep state has been running this country for a long time. With interruptions by Reagan and Trump. But this will end. And guess what, it will be good for you too.
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Old 07-05-2021, 07:27 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Americans are horrified by these weekly videos highlighting Biden’s mental state. But hey, maybe the media will keep covering up for and protecting the senile bastard Biden and only cover him when he goes to get ice cream which is about all he is intellectually capable of doing

Oh wait, look a real journalist even is throwing shade at him for this now. About time

"Seems he makes an ice cream pit stop with increasing frequency."


Ask yourself - who the hell is running the country. It sure isn't this senile idiot
Stay on Topic, This article is the truth of how the GOP has been trying and trying to degrade president Biden.
This article is the truth of how the GOP has been trying and trying to degrade a president that is doing everything in his power to get this country back on track. He is trying to get us out of a situation that has caused our whole country to shut down for the past year when there was nothing being done until election time. The GOP doesn’t like to see President Biden succeed and they will try and do and say anything to reverse or at least slow down his progress.
Former Trump used to say that the Republican Party will believe anything he says. He went as far to say he could "stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody" and retain all his supporters. That is how most of the GOP thinks. That is what some on this board thinks. It’s a shame people are this gullible.
The GOP is jealous of how great of a job President Biden is doing and they continually make up nothing but lies to try and get their party back on the plus side after losing the presidency, numerous house seats, governors throughout the US and are pulling out all stops. They did the same thing when Obama was running and being president. One of the things was about his birth certificate. Remember that big lie?
In recent years our country has been left in shambles where innocent people were being killed either by riots, trying to take over our own government, starving them by taking away food assist programs where people had to beg for food. There were miles of people waiting in line to get food that common people and churches had to donate to help poor people. All food assist programs were eliminated. They even tryed to kill our Vice President.
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Old 07-05-2021, 10:44 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by yinzerpgh View Post
- No, only trumpcultists are "horrified" by how DPSJB (dementia patient sleepy Joe Biden) is running the country.
- who doesn't like ice cream? Especially in the summer months?
- if DPSJB isn't running the country, what you are all so butt hurt about? You should be throwing 'shade' to whoever is running the country!
1. If you believe that, you are too far gone. I used to think you were one of the more logical lefties, but damn that is some high level Trump Derangement syndrome affecting you.

2. LOL - so you think it's good the only thing that senile Biden can do is go eat ice cream so the media can fawn over him - ooh, what flavor did you get today. He is a fucking joke

3. You know and I know senile Biden is a puppet. He has the mental capacity of a 6 year old these days. there are people behind the scenes pulling the strings. That said, the senile bastard has let him be used this way because he is drunk on power and has a huge ego. So yeah, he certainly is at fault for whatever happens under his puppet regime
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Old 07-05-2021, 10:48 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Stay on Topic, This article is the truth of how the GOP has been trying and trying to degrade president Biden.
LOL dude neither the GOP nor anyone else need to try to degrade senile Biden. He does so himself daily. That is what my responses show. Sadly you can't handle the facts and can only rely on spoon fed DNC news releases disguised as stories by friendly media members trying to cover for the dementia patient in the White House
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Old 07-05-2021, 11:10 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
In recent years our country has been left in shambles where innocent people were being killed... starving them by taking away food assist programs where people had to beg for food.... All food assist programs were eliminated.
Where do you even come up with this false, hysterical nonsense lol?

Last time I checked, the federal food stamp program (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP) doled out a record $85.6 billion in benefits during Trump's last year in office. Plus our local food banks stepped up and performed spectacularly throughout the pandemic.

But somehow in your imaginary world, "all food assist programs were eliminated"?

Where do you live, bypass? North Korea?

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Old 07-05-2021, 12:27 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Where do you even come up with this false, hysterical nonsense lol?

Last time I checked, the federal food stamp program (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP) doled out a record $85.6 billion in benefits during Trump's last year in office. Plus our local food banks stepped up and performed spectacularly throughout the pandemic.

But somehow in your imaginary world, "all food assist programs were eliminated"?

Where do you live, bypass? North Korea?

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Old 07-05-2021, 12:32 PM   #13
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Old 07-05-2021, 12:50 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post

Wow. You posted a link from April 2020 containing no analysis, just pictures of people in line at food banks. That was the first month of the pandemic and associated economic shutdown. It obviously took time for the logistics of distributing food to catch up with the surge in demand. But catch up it did!

I will say it again - our food banks stepped up and performed spectacularly throughout the pandemic.

Do you still stand by your ridiculous claim that "all food assist programs were eliminated"???

You do realize your OP link is to an article admonishing Republicans to choose "credible" issues to attack Biden. Then you proceed to attack Republicans with a completely bogus claim they eliminated food assist programs - when in reality they expanded them lol!
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Old 07-05-2021, 01:48 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Wow. You posted a link from April 2020 containing no analysis, just pictures of people in line at food banks. That was the first month of the pandemic and associated economic shutdown. It obviously took time for the logistics of distributing food to catch up with the surge in demand. But catch up it did!

I will say it again - our food banks stepped up and performed spectacularly throughout the pandemic.

Do you still stand by your ridiculous claim that "all food assist programs were eliminated"???

You do realize your OP link is to an article admonishing Republicans to choose "credible" issues to attack Biden. Then you proceed to attack Republicans with a completely bogus claim they eliminated food assist programs - when in reality they expanded them lol!
Yes it did, it took till the end of January when Biden got in to have someone finally give a shit and do something instead of saying he was the best in the world and doing nothing. I take that back, Trump did something starting in October. Biden has excelled in taking care of all people in the United States.
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