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Old 07-03-2021, 10:50 AM   #1
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Default Americans first!

What seems evade the posters on this board is that we are not Republicans or Democrats first!
We are Americans!
Politics come second!
The hatred being flung at the Dems should be reserved for our enemy's, not our fellow Americans.
Trump is a RINO, if he thought that catering to the Dems would put him back in power he would trade in his Maga hat and give Hillary a rim job!
You all do realize that Trump contributed to the Clinton's in their past campaigns!
What dose that make him?
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Old 07-04-2021, 08:11 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
...Trump is a RINO, if he thought that catering to the Dems would put him back in power he would trade in his Maga hat and give Hillary a rim job!
While I can mostly agree with this statement, I don't think the dems would ever accept him. But it would be something to see all of the pro life and evangelicals heads explode though!
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Old 07-04-2021, 11:58 AM   #3
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Trump isn’t a Republican, Democrat, RINO OR DINO, he’s just Trump, a guy who actually gives AF about about the country, unlike 99% of politicians. This is why he won 2 elections. Normal people have no use for political hacks who only care about getting themselves and their families rich.
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Old 07-04-2021, 12:43 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
What seems evade the posters on this board is that we are not Republicans or Democrats first!
We are Americans!
Politics come second!
The hatred being flung at the Dems should be reserved for our enemy's, not our fellow Americans.
Trump is a RINO, if he thought that catering to the Dems would put him back in power he would trade in his Maga hat and give Hillary a rim job!
You all do realize that Trump contributed to the Clinton's in their past campaigns!
What dose that make him?
Brother, posters here need to realize whatever is said by all of us is not personal, it's in fun

I read ur post but ur memory has lapsed alot. I can recall dozens of posts by you calling trump alot worse than what's being said about biden
It's all in fun but what's good for the goose is good for the gander
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Old 07-04-2021, 05:21 PM   #5
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Old 07-04-2021, 06:17 PM   #6
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OK? So why should I be throwing rocks at Biden?
He is your typical politician slimy in his own way.
He's he's still light years ahead of that self serving traitorous POS we just had.
This country doesn't need more race baiting, division, and hatred let alone the country's leader leading the charge on those issues.
And say what you like "he did and you know it" he was an asshole!
That's why you liked him!
With his voters it is about the ignorance he displays towards people of non European decent, they think it's cute.
I don't care about biden enough to throw rocks at him. But Trump he is exceptionally slimy! Always has been, and now his company and most likely he himself is about to be disassembled. Good for him, and its almost a shoe in that he will end up in jail if that moron of a son of his keeps making statements about how his father did exactly what the prosecution is looking for.
But then they all have sub par intellects.
And Jacuzz, Bill Barr said himself that there was no voter fraud in the numbers Trump and his minions claim.
And definitely not enough to effect the outcome of the election.
Trumps a liar and he lost, and his own AG knows better than to be on that side of history when it's all said and done.
And he did an investigation welding the power of the DOJ, and still nothing!
And if someone was going to say they found voter fraud it would be him!
After 1/6 Trump should have been locked up and put on trial for sedition and treason.
But you can just tell they are going to AL Capone him at the very least.
Had Biden pulled that sort of shit Trump pulled on 1/6 I could just see the outrage from the right!
Once again compare Bengazi with 1/6 you all went crazy for several years and that was nowhere near the magnatude of 1/6.
What I find hysterical is all of those morons being surprised that they are in trouble, and now want their legal expenses paid for by Trump.
Ask Michael Cohen how that worked out for him.
If your gonna participate in a coup attempt, you better make damn sure your gonna win before hand and not half ass it like this bunch!
They are are so fucking lucky that they are not in one of the banana republics or China, Russia, really almost anywhere else in the world, there would have been mass executions!
Please don't tell me about being fair to Trump, he's a Trator IMO he should at the very least be sharing a cell with Robert Hansen!
It really boils down to this, the republican party sees the ountry turning brown before their very eyes and it scares them!
For some reason they think Trump can change that outcome, but he just makes them double down as in this election!
Republicans know brown people don't vote republican, so now the push for voter suppression laws.
Disenfranchised them that will do it!

Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
Brother, posters here need to realize whatever is said by all of us is not personal, it's in fun

I read ur post but ur memory has lapsed alot. I can recall dozens of posts by you calling trump alot worse than what's being said about biden
It's all in fun but what's good for the goose is good for the gander
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Old 07-04-2021, 10:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Trump isn’t a Republican, Democrat, RINO OR DINO, he’s just Trump, a guy who actually gives AF about about the country, unlike 99% of politicians. This is why he won 2 elections. Normal people have no use for political hacks who only care about getting themselves and their families rich.
Trump only gives a fuck about Trump. He doesn’t care about this country or anyone in it, only himself and his ego.
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Old 07-04-2021, 11:35 PM   #8
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You clearly have no clue what you are talking about - let's take a look at a few of the BS statements you wrote

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
OK? So why should I be throwing rocks at Biden?
He is your typical politician slimy in his own way.
He's he's still light years ahead of that self serving traitorous POS we just had.
Trump loves America unlike Senile Biden. Sure Trump has a huge ego - so does Biden and so did Obama. It goes with the territory. But Trump put America first, not America last like the scum sucking liberals in power now

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
This country doesn't need more race baiting, division, and hatred let alone the country's leader leading the charge on those issues.
Good - tell senile Biden that since he and his family are racist as all hell. Biden's policies are designed to divide the country and several of Biden's race baiting policies have already been shot down by the courts.

Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Republicans know brown people don't vote republican, so now the push for voter suppression laws.
LOL - I guess that is why more black and hispanic voters voted for Trump than any Republican Presidential candidate in history.

You better go brush up on your facts. Oh wait, I know facts escape you. You would rather just come on here and spew your hatred while rambling endlessly about Trump who lives rent free inside your head

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Old 07-05-2021, 01:09 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
You clearly have no clue what you are talking about - let's take a look at a few of the BS statements you wrote

Trump loves America unlike Senile Biden. Sure Trump has a huge ego - so does Biden and so did Obama. It goes with the territory. But Trump put America first, not America last like the scum sucking liberals in power now

Good - tell senile Biden that since he and his family are racist as all hell. Biden's policies are designed to divide the country and several of Biden's race baiting policies have already been shot down by the courts.

LOL - I guess that is why more black and hispanic voters voted for Trump than any Republican Presidential candidate in history.

You better go brush up on your facts. Oh wait, I know facts escape you. You would rather just come on here and spew your hatred while rambling endlessly about Trump who lives rent free inside your head

Yeah right bud, you believe as you please! I did notice how you completely evaded, just like the republican representatives the part where Trump commits treason on 1/6!
You can post all the bullshit links you want, until you address that you have no credibility!
So come on let's do that now shall we?
Who were those people that Trump was whipping into a frenzy?
Bomb throwing anarchist from the 19th century?
The ghosts of Christmas past?
Glad that didn't work out!
So Yeah man, credibility get some!

You know who else would have proudly wore a Maga hat and obviously would have done anything for the cause?

Sadly for your side he is no longer among us!

Timothy McVey!
I didn't care much for him especially after that whole Oklahoma thing!
I thought he was just another right wing asshole with a grudge!
But I think you two would have got along just fine!
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Old 07-05-2021, 05:57 AM   #10
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Old 07-05-2021, 08:59 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Yeah right bud, you believe as you please! I did notice how you completely evaded, just like the republican representatives the part where Trump commits treason on 1/6!
You can post all the bullshit links you want, until you address that you have no credibility!
So come on let's do that now shall we?
Who were those people that Trump was whipping into a frenzy?
Bomb throwing anarchist from the 19th century?
The ghosts of Christmas past?
Glad that didn't work out!
So Yeah man, credibility get some!

You know who else would have proudly wore a Maga hat and obviously would have done anything for the cause?

Sadly for your side he is no longer among us!

Timothy McVey!
I didn't care much for him especially after that whole Oklahoma thing!
I thought he was just another right wing asshole with a grudge!
But I think you two would have got along just fine!

I don't know what that shit you posted is supposed to be bam.
But here you can try again.
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Old 07-05-2021, 09:05 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
I don't know what that shit you posted is supposed to be bam.
But here you can try again.
It’s Mandarin for Biden is fucked. And a lot of other people too.

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Old 07-05-2021, 09:46 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
It’s Mandarin for Biden is fucked. And a lot of other people too.
So when is that August?
You know when trump is reinstated?
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Old 07-05-2021, 10:28 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
So when is that August?
You know when trump is reinstated?
It will be a hot summer. Especially August. Once AZ falls, they all fall.
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Old 07-05-2021, 11:01 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Yeah right bud, you believe as you please! I did notice how you completely evaded, just like the republican representatives the part where Trump commits treason on 1/6!
You can post all the bullshit links you want, until you address that you have no credibility!
So come on let's do that now shall we?
Who were those people that Trump was whipping into a frenzy?
Bomb throwing anarchist from the 19th century?
The ghosts of Christmas past?
Glad that didn't work out!
So Yeah man, credibility get some!

You know who else would have proudly wore a Maga hat and obviously would have done anything for the cause?

Sadly for your side he is no longer among us!

Timothy McVey!
I didn't care much for him especially after that whole Oklahoma thing!
I thought he was just another right wing asshole with a grudge!
But I think you two would have got along just fine!

I ignore most of your childish bullshit because you are utterly clueless. You are so filled with hate that it isn't even funny.
As to facts, you wouldn't know a real fact if one hit you right between the eyes. You live in an alternate reality, driven by your Trump Derangement Syndrome. You are filled with rage and hatred and that is all you continuously spew here in posts that make no sense.

And I have previously commented here about Jan 6. But you answer me this:

Why has the FBI refused to release 14,000 hours of tape on Jan 6?
Who killed Ashley Babbitt? Doesn't her family deserve answers and justice?
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