Originally Posted by Jackie S
The charge should be criminal negligent homicide.
It will be interesting to see how far the Judge will go in allowing the defense to make their case. He has to know the mob is waiting to burn the whole damned town to the ground.
Maybe that should be on the charge list but apparently isn't but I'm wondering if given the legal definition, it would fit this case.
Criminally negligent homicide occurs when the perpetrator acts in a reckless, dangerous, or negligent manner which causes the death of another person.Apr 16, 2019
So what if the defense presents a picture of a Minn. training officer with his knee on a man's neck and tells the officers he is training, "this is a legal maneuver"? I just saw the picture in a training course.
What if the defense presents the autopsy report and it says that asphyxiation was not the cause of death?
Isn't that pretty much the prosecutions case, that Chauvin used an illegal move that cause Floyd not to be able to breathe and that caused his death?
What if the defense makes a very good, understandable case that the condition Floyd was in is what essentially caused his death?
Now of course none of this makes any difference at all if the jury is to afraid to consider all this and conclude that none of the charges offered fit the case?
Just watched a very good description and explanation of what actually happened that day on Tucker Carlson of course because you won't see the video proof he put on air on any MSM outlet with the exception of NewsMax and any other Conservative media. You sure as hell won't see the footage he just showed on CNN or MSNBC.
It isn't up on his site yet, I hope I can post it tommorrow. This video footage, never before seen on American TV to my knowledge was provided by British TV who aren't quite as sqimish about this case and what it might do to Minn. and the country as a whole.
Did you know that George Floyd was screaming that he couldn't breath long before he was put on the ground with a knee to his neck? Yep, he was saying he couldn't breathe in the backseat of the cop car and get this, asked to be taken from the car and put on the ground. While I'm sure he didn't ask for the knee to the neck but remember, this is how Chauvin was trained to sub-do an agitated, unruly subject.
Do you ever see any video of Floyd being asked if he had taken any drugs, to which he answered no, because one of the other cops can be heard saying "he is foaming at the mouth" and this is at the very beginning of the arrest.
And when the defense puts on an expert that will saying foaming at the mouth and an inability to breathe can be a direct cause of a Fentanyal overdose much less all the other drugs in his system that the expert will say is more than 3 times the amount necessary to kill a grown man with no restraint at all?
The video I hope to be able to post is stunning to say the least. Carlson keeps repeating that Floyd is having a meltdown from the moment the cops ask him to get out of the car. He is beside himself to say the least and every minute that goes by, he gets more and more agitated and we hear somebody believed to be a bystander say "he's going to have a heart attack". That's how worked up he was.
From what I saw, there is a very good chance that Floyd would have died that day if left in the backseat of that cop car where he desperately did not want to be.
If the jury wasn't predisposed to finding him guilty because they don't want the mob coming after them, they might very well find Chauvin not guilty of any murder charge.
According to Carlson and I've independently confirmed this with a Google search, the people who thought Chauvin was guilty of murder was over 60% of Blacks and slightly less for Whites but that number maybe down as low as 35% for Whites now that more information about what happened that day is coming to light.
I wonder if it has to be a unanimous vote to be guilty. If it does, Minn. is in big, big trouble if even one of those jurors has the nerve to consider the evidence and say "you haven't proven 3rd degree murder much less 2nd".
Isn't it ironic that the downtown area of Minn. tonight is ringed with concrete barriers and razor wire and hundreds of National Guardsmen will be called in because they expect a riot, not from the Proud Boys or White Supremacists but by BLM and their many supports in the Democrat Party but as we saw all summer "those riots" are justified according to our new Vice President and probably Joe to if he is told to believe that.