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Old 08-17-2011, 07:21 AM   #1
Col. Zodiak
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Default Laredo Social, the aftermath

Or continuation, if you prefer!

Making new aquintances with an old friend was interesting as you never knew who was gonig to step off the elevator.

And for some reason, phone problems were widely experienced. Luckily, there were some techs in house that were more than able to give proper assistance.

A surprising appearance by a western representative and an introduction to the charms of our wonderful local ladies.

Some food techniques on proper preperation of a salad and tossings methods was a pleasure to demonstrate to our guests. I had great fun in hosting that part of the evening, although my assistants seemed to draw the majority of the attention.

The staff at the hotel and social location was fantastic in making sure everything went very smooth.

There is more, but I am out of time for the moment.

Many, many thanks go out to all who helped to make Laredo a great place to be!!!!!!
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Old 08-17-2011, 10:46 AM   #2
Mr. Smith111
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It was a great time. I enjoyed seeing everyone .
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Old 08-17-2011, 11:34 AM   #3
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Col., you and the rest of the gentlemen who helped with this event are to be commended. It was a great gathering. Meeting new friends and getting reacquainted with old friends was great. And kudos to the staff at the venue. They went above and beyond the call of duty. Give my thanks to Jar-jar.

Looking forward to the next one.
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Old 08-17-2011, 12:07 PM   #4
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Man, I'm glad that I didn't go. If I had, I prolly would have drank too much, laughed too much, and had way too good of a time...
...not to mention, that undoubtedly, I would have woken-up wreaking of shame and sin from the drunken debauchery...

...plus, I'd prolly just now be draggin' my hung-over ass into the office. Uggh!

But still, thanks to the crew for all the hard work...I heard you guys did an outstanding job. It would have been nice visiting with friends, new and old...and the ladies....(sigh) I'm sure there were some absolute sweethearts in attendance, and I would have especially loved visiting with them...

But the damned hangover...
Yup...good thing I didn't go.

Maybe next time...


ps...did anybody fine Mr. Smith's dentures? He left them in somebody's room.



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Old 08-17-2011, 02:21 PM   #5
Col. Zodiak
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Pikers! You all should have stayed around for the 2:00 AM skinny dip party in the pool.

To most of gentlemen (used VERY LOOSELY in a couple of instances), it was your great pleasure(?) to finally get to meet me. For a few others, the honor was all mine.

To all the wonderful and very delightful ladies who competed greatly to be an empress for the night, THANK YOU!!!! Meeting new friends, seeing old friends made this to be one of the most special days for several of us gentlemen. I apologize for all the phone difficulties, but am glad to know that all of them were worked out most satisfactory.

Jar-Jar was a bit overwhelmed, but what is expected from an apprentice.

New legends were made, many new stories that will echo across the land, and, I hope, a fun time was had by all.

And SKF, it was a shame you were not there and had the chance to meet this very delightful young lady who was not there also.

Now everyone, just be careful of elevators in the future

The Colonel
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Old 08-17-2011, 03:19 PM   #6
Aidan MacKenna
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Lightbulb Next Time...

I heard the social was SofaKingFun!!!

I'm glad that all who made the long drive had a GREAT time.

I really wish I could have been there. Next time I will try my very best (again) to make the trek.

Col. Z, when is the next event?
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Old 08-17-2011, 04:03 PM   #7
Col. Zodiak
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Aidan, we really need to let the city of Laredo recover a bit before the next one,

BUT, If I remember correctly through the haze, I would say planning started about, oh, I don't know, somewhere in the neighborhood of, say, around 4:00 am today. About the time the game of catch the room key began in the pool. As best I remember. I think. Hard to hear much with a pair of lace panties covering your ears while practicing underwater techniques. Just checking out the sea donkey method, you might say.

And please, don't believe the stories you might hear about the malfunction of the elevator doors, I think they worked perfectly and at the proper time.

Will keep you in the loop, don't worry!

The Colonel
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Old 08-17-2011, 04:25 PM   #8
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That's what I heard, Ms. Aidan. Guess we'll just have to see for ourselves next time..could be hella' Fun...just sayin'..

Hey, we could take the ferry!
The last time I went to one of these events,
I met the "Ram Rod" who runs the show..aka, "Head Ferry" ...cool guy.

He's the deckhand..you know, the "eyes and ears of the entire operation..."
...he takes that job, "very seriously. He has to in order to keep the
Hi-vis gear, ...'cuz they don't give that sort of shit to just anybody."
, he says.

I thought he was full of shit at first...then he showed us a picture..of him in action.

He's warning people to stand away from the railing and citing the Federal Regulations, verbatim,
regarding cargo carrying vessels and passenger safety while under power and above headway speed...

...and then, of course, there's the dolphins...

But hell yeah...sounds like Fun!

clicky, clicky~~>> See him in action, Right Here! LIVE!! <~~clicky clicky



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Old 08-17-2011, 04:32 PM   #9
Col. Zodiak
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You punch this button, it goes up.

You punch this button, it goes down.

And to know the names of 437 dolphins, (I Counted) well I just think that is truly amazing. Still doubting a bit about actually talking to them though.

The Colonel
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Old 08-17-2011, 09:01 PM   #10
Maxeen Monroe
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Yep, my girl and i are taking that ferry tomorrow for sure to go meet our special guy in his yellow vest! Haha! Can't wait to see the dolphins!

The party was a blast. It still trips us out how close to Mexico we were. Could've thrown a rock! Crazy but great times!

Great to meet all of yall and I look forward to staying in touch!
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Old 08-18-2011, 01:21 AM   #11
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ha ha

it was def great meeting the ladies and the gents and i def def missed el gato great seeing u nd...
it was great meeting the col.zodiak let me see if i remember ha ha
u must chop the lettuce the right way add tomatoes and cucumbers and shrimp....
ahem are we thinking about tossing the same salad here
cuz ur's involves shrimp nd i dont think ladies like shrimp in particular areas lmao tff

dayum elevators...dayum fake plants blocking peoples doors...who does that

OooOo la la skinny dipping sorry i missed that

all in all i had a great "fuc time

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Old 08-18-2011, 04:21 AM   #12
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Despite my later arrival, I managed to get some intros that attached faces to already familiar handles. I was given the play by play on the earlier surprise meeting that caused LOTS of laughter & some spewing of beverages. As for being the initiator of skinny dipping... What can I say? The heat... just made the pool even more inviting!

(Wonder if that sexy young local guy saw any of that cuz I really wasn't expecting his kiss... or having the elevator doors open so Col. Zodiak could tease me about being in a lip-lock! Dang elevator!)

Oh, btw, that luscious Latina I wooed to my room was a sweet treat indeed! I'll be back for the next soiree! DEFINITELY!!!

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Old 08-18-2011, 05:38 AM   #13
Col. Zodiak
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Italia, Italia, Italia.
While your salads might contain shrimp, I can tell that you were not paying close attention during the personal, hands on part of the night. Thats alright, I think I have a scheduled infomerrcial coming up in your area before too long and will make sure that a free pass will be waiting for you at the door. WIll take the time to get you completely trained in a one on one personal training session so that you better assist me at the audience participation part of the program.

And Kat.....
You were well warned about the elevator doors. What cann I say..
And a Kat that plays in the water, unusual. Just thought someone had threw you in and was trying help out, that was all...
As for the lovely latina, well, Laredo, lovely Latina, kinda goes together, huh. And just remember the next time, I do know how to use a camera.
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Old 08-18-2011, 05:51 AM   #14
Mr. Smith111
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
That's what I heard, Ms. Aidan. Guess we'll just have to see for ourselves next time..could be hella' Fun...just sayin'..

Hey, we could take the ferry!
The last time I went to one of these events,
I met the "Ram Rod" who runs the show..aka, "Head Ferry" ...cool guy.

He's the deckhand..you know, the "eyes and ears of the entire operation..."
...he takes that job, "very seriously. He has to in order to keep the
Hi-vis gear, ...'cuz they don't give that sort of shit to just anybody.", he says.

I thought he was full of shit at first...then he showed us a picture..of him in action.

He's warning people to stand away from the railing and citing the Federal Regulations, verbatim,
regarding cargo carrying vessels and passenger safety while under power and above headway speed...

...and then, of course, there's the dolphins...

But hell yeah...sounds like Fun!

clicky, clicky~~>> See him in action, Right Here! LIVE!! <~~clicky clicky



My cover is blown. Outed with a pic of my real lfe job. Damn.
Ladies, didn't I tell you I looked good in my vest????
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Old 08-18-2011, 05:32 PM   #15
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I live on the island and will be wondering who you are LOL!!!
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