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Old 12-29-2020, 07:47 PM   #1
Yssup Rider
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Default Warp Speed is out of dilithium crystals. Meanwhile, Trump team leaders take turns falling on their swords

Anything to keep Trump from taking responsibility ... for anything.

Trump’s beautiful team promised we’d have 20 million vaccinated by years end. There have been less than 1.5 million.

At the rate we’re going, it’s going to take years to get the population vaccinated sufficiently to beat Trump’s Plague. Do the math. Even at a million injections a day, we’re looking at at least a year and a half.


Biden says he wants to administer 100 million doses in 100 days. That’s bullshit too.

At least Twitler did nothing wrong. Errr, make that Twitler did nothing, but try to dismantle our healthcare infrastructure.



More finger pointing than a fat guy at Dunkin Donuts!


The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is a mess. Blame the U.S. health-care system. l Analysis

Operation Warp Speed allocated initial doses to the states, where an inscrutable mix of state officials, public health agencies and lobbyists seem to be determining where doses should go.

Army Gen. Gustave Perna, who is leading Operation Warp Speed, apologized for “miscommunication” with states over the number of doses to be delivered in the early stages of distribution. But the problems aren't really his fault. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

WASHINGTON — Even before there was a vaccine, some seasoned doctors and public health experts warned, Cassandra-like, that its distribution would be “a logistical nightmare.”

After Week 1 of the rollout, “nightmare” sounds like an apt description.

Dozens of states say they didn’t receive nearly the number of promised doses. Pfizer says millions of doses sat in its storerooms because no one from President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed task force told them where to ship them. A number of states have few sites that can handle the ultra-cold storage required for the Pfizer product, so, for example, front-line workers in Georgia have had to travel 40 minutes to get a shot. At some hospitals, residents treating COVID patients protested that they had not received the vaccine while administrators did, even though they work from home and don’t treat patients.

The potential for more chaos is high. Vivek Murthy, named as the next surgeon general under President-elect Joe Biden, said this week that the Trump administration’s prediction — that the general population would get the vaccine in April — was realistic only if everything went smoothly. He instead predicted wide distribution by summer or fall.

The Trump administration had expressed confidence that the rollout would be smooth, because it was being overseen by a four-star general, Gustave Perna, an expert in logistics. But it turns out that getting fuel, tanks and tents into war-torn mountainous Afghanistan is in many ways simpler than passing out a vaccine in our privatized, profit-focused, and highly fragmented medical system. Perna apologized last week, saying he wanted to “take personal responsibility.” It’s really mostly not his fault.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. health-care system has shown that it is not built for a coordinated pandemic response (among many other things). States took wildly different COVID-19 prevention measures; individual hospitals varied in their ability to face this kind of national disaster; and there were huge regional disparities in test availability — with a slow ramp-up in availability due, at least in some part, because no payment or billing mechanism was established.

Why should vaccine distribution be any different?

Instead of a central health-directed strategy, we have multiple companies competing to capture their financial piece of the pandemic health-care pie, each with its patent-protected product as well as its own supply chain and shipping methods.

Add to this bedlam the current decision-tree governing distribution: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made official recommendations about who should get the vaccine first — but throughout the pandemic, many states have felt free to ignore the agency’s suggestions.

Instead, Operation Warp Speed allocated initial doses to the states, depending on population. From there, an inscrutable mix of state officials, public-health agencies, and lobbyists seem to be determining where the vaccine should go. In some states, counties requested an allotment from the state, and then they tried to accommodate requests from hospitals, which made their individual algorithms for how to dole out the precious cargo. Once it became clear that there wasn’t enough vaccine to go around, each entity made its own adjustments.

Some doses are being shipped by FedEx or UPS. But Pfizer — which did not fully participate in Operation Warp Speed — is shipping much of the vaccine itself. In nursing homes, some vaccines will be delivered and administered by employees of CVS and Walgreens, though issues of staffing and consent remain there.

The Moderna vaccine, which was rolled out last week, will be packaged by the “pharmaceutical services provider” Catalent in Bloomington, Ind., and then sent to McKesson, a large pharmaceutical logistics and distribution outfit. It has offices in such places as Memphis, Tennessee, and Louisville, which are near air hubs for FedEx and UPS, which will ship them out.

Is your head spinning yet?

Looking forward, basic questions remain for 2021: How will essential workers at some risk (transit workers, teachers, grocery store employees) know when it’s their turn? (And it will matter which city you work in.) What about people with chronic illness — and then everyone else? And who administers the vaccine — doctors or the local drugstore?

Combine this vision of disorder with the nation’s high death toll, and it’s not surprising that there is intense jockeying and lobbying — by schools, unions, even people with different types of preexisting diseases — over who should get the vaccine first, second and third. It’s hard to “wait your turn” in a country where there are 200,000 new cases and as many as 2,000 new daily COVID-19 deaths — a tragic per capita order of magnitude higher than in many other developed countries.

So kudos and thanks to the science and the scientists who made the vaccine in record time. I’ll eagerly hold out my arm — so I can see the family and friends and colleagues I’ve missed all these months. If only I can figure out when I’m eligible, and where to go to get it.
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Old 12-29-2020, 07:57 PM   #2
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RTM Rider put this in your pipe and smoke it...

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Old 12-29-2020, 08:03 PM   #3
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Thanks for hijacking this thread within 10 minutes of its posting.

You have a relevant comment on the OP?

Check your PMS.
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Old 12-29-2020, 08:04 PM   #4
winn dixie
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Folks do need to wait their turn.

This inquirer article is a biased opinion based on misinformation and lies!
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Old 12-30-2020, 12:08 AM   #5
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It will take 10 years, maybe by then most of people that got it will be Dead.
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Old 12-30-2020, 12:11 AM   #6
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And few that left will decide it not good idea. Say goodbye to grandma.
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Old 12-30-2020, 08:56 AM   #7
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An that s what happens when leftist get in the middle "fubar"
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Old 12-30-2020, 08:59 AM   #8
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How did “leftist get in the middle” of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed?

Come on, dude, how about explaining your blurtations for a change.

Your posts aren’t debate or discussion. It’s verbal ejaculation. (And yes, that’s an actual term used in context .., gotcha,)

Meanwhile, nobody has dick to say about the content of the OP. I doubt any of you fellas have looked past the handle.
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Old 12-30-2020, 09:03 AM   #9
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Lets see

AOC getting the shot and everybody else that don't need it first , Thinking is hard
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Old 12-30-2020, 09:41 AM   #10
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
How did “leftist get in the middle” of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed?

Come on, dude, how about explaining your blurtations for a change.

Your posts aren’t debate or discussion. It’s verbal ejaculation. (And yes, that’s an actual term used in context .., gotcha,)

Meanwhile, nobody has dick to say about the content of the OP. I doubt any of you fellas have looked past the handle.
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Old 12-30-2020, 09:51 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Lets see

AOC getting the shot and everybody else that don't need it first , Thinking is hard
That is not a intelligent reply.

The promise was 20 million

They have done 2 million!
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Old 12-30-2020, 10:10 AM   #12
winn dixie
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Warp Speed has been biggly successful. Its the local lib controlled cities that are holding up the distribution cause theyre playing pc culture to who gets it first!
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Old 12-30-2020, 12:00 PM   #13
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You can't blame lier in chief of blame for all the failures the last four years. He was too busy tweetin, sukn putin and playing golf
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Old 12-30-2020, 12:54 PM   #14
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This is exactly what happens when someone doesnt bother to actually read. Trump just wanted to be known for having gotten the vaccine, he never bothered to plan for getting people vaccinated. That would have required actual work.

His legacy is going to be like dog shit. History will not be kind to him or the Trumpites
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Old 12-30-2020, 01:00 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Lets see

AOC getting the shot and everybody else that don't need it first , Thinking is hard
OK. What the actual fook are you talking about?

And what does that have to do with the point you're trying to make.

I'd love to discuss issues with the real you, but unfortunately all you give us is this.

Unless this isn't an act, in which case, I deeply and sincerely apologize.

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