I'm not surprised that there are some on this board who, while benefitting from the disclosures of others would, at the same time, hoard valuable information about "special" subAMP providers, the much-touted but infrequently discussed "unicorns." There may be good reasons to do so that are not simply "hoarding."
For one, the provider herself may have a "no review" policy, or does not want special activities for special customers to be disclosed, unreasonably increasing the expectations of less-trusted visitors.
For another, the provider or the hobbyist (or both) maybe concerned about being overrun by a slew of mongers, causing a decline in quality of service OR attracting the attention of LE.
These are serious concerns and should be taken seriously.
At the same time, one who finds a "diamond in the rough," who is not constrained by any of the above concerns, and who covets the provider for himself, benefits himself at the expense of the community, the intended beneficiaries of this site. It also may needlessly hinder the economic advancement of the provider who, unlike the jealous hobbyist, might WANT the additional income that more notice might bring.
There must be a way to balance trust, privacy, confidentiality, and disclosure among, at the very least, the trusted members on this site, using some combination of the ROS, private replies, and PMs. I am not telling anyone what to do, nor should the board; instead, I am only saying that pure "hoarding" is anathema to what this is supposed to be about and that there might be ways, in certain cases, without offending against privacy concerns of providers, to share without violation. If that's the case, that is what we should be aiming for.