Originally Posted by adav8s28
Viruses engineered to kill cancer cells are already used to treat one form of skin cancer and are being widely tested as treatments for other cancers.
You are also misreading/interpreting the literature. The "viruses" are not "engineered to kill cancer cells" .... as the OP "assumed"!
The cells that are intended for a "cure" of cancer have to do with the activation of the immune system, which is the primary assault upon the cancer cell growth and spread.
A major issue in chemotherapy for cancer cure was the incapacitation of the patient's immune system, which had something to do with the reaction of nausea and discomfort with respect to attempted food ingestion. Finding a weapon in the cancer cure arsenal that enhanced the immune system was and is an important step to fight cancer "naturally" as opposed to artificially with chemicals burning up the cancer cells that could not be efficiently removed surgically.
It's understandable that confusion and mislabeling is spread by media regurgitation of information from lab reports and scientific/medical studies at the academic level ... many of which must be translated from a foreign language, because that is where most of the research and studies have been conducted and from which those reports have come.
Earlier this year a female Chinese scientist familiar with the cell research being conducted at the lab in China (bearing the same name as a Korean pharma/research company) described the "source" of the "Covid-19 virus," which was man-made and not spawned from a monkey in a cave as reported early on to divert attention away from the human-creation issues.
Calling it a "virus" is a misnomer. It's a cell that is transmitted via body fluids ... and modifies the characteristics of the cells it attacks so that the immune system will identify those impregnated and modified cells as being "bad" and of need of destruction. In other words the natural immune system destroys the host body one cell at a time resulting in oxygen deprivation to the blood system that in turn destroys other organs that have "blood" quality functions.
It's helpful to read the actual reports as opposed to anecdotal (often politically motivated) news articles (which include include those published in "pharma" rags). BTW our government has funded these various research efforts through grants (taxpayer funded) and facilitated the overseas research on these specialized and novel "cures" ... for challenging diseases. These specific studies began in earnest around 2015 ...let me repeat .... 2015 ... in China with some in Europe.
There is good reason why a "gloves off" approach to a "vaccine" to stop those cells worked to generate a vaccine in warp speed. The companies that created the cell that was doing the mischief began their efforts in December and early January when word first began to spread among the medical-scientific community. The media in the U.S. was too busy attempting to de-thrown the "Evil One" after three years of failed propaganda. ("Fix it before we have to pay someone else to take care of it" is a workable, business-like solution to manufacturer negligence litigation.)