Originally Posted by cmore197474
If it's anxiety ED there is no medicine for that (except drastic measures like that shot) Also the fact you mention youre worried about not getting your moneys worth adds to the case of anxiety. I occasionally deal with it for full service... Because I work about the cover. but not uncovered bj/hj.
Anxiety ED comes in many forms in the hobby:
- worried about not getting a fair value for your money.
- worried about meeting up with LEO
- worried about meeting up with a pimp
- worried about getting, robbed, ripped off, or killed
- worried about showing up for a date and finding a butt ugly woman
- worried about being treated badly after paying your money. It happens often.
While there are some fine ladies in the hobby: there is validity in the phrase "The heart of a whore".
Do your homework. If a lady sounds like a bitch when she posts here on ECCIE, do you expect her to be supper nice when you visit her?
Pay attention to the obvious.
If you want to walk away the instant the door opens; do so!
Watch for the bitches who jump in on an accurate observation.