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Coed Discussions - Upstate New York Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 03-09-2010, 01:41 PM   #1
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Default Firing of our mods?!

I have some issues that need to addressed.
Ive heard through the grape vine that Jbonz and Eli have both been forced to resign as moderators.
I think all the ladies, especially local, out there would agree that this is ludicrous! They have done a lot of work on this board. Some that you may not all be aware of. There is a lot that goes on behind closed doors that BOTH of them take care of. The local girls here in Rochester at least, have had issues in the past both personal and professional. When these problems arise, they are the first ones to know about it and the first ones to resolve them. They both respond and react right away.
I think you all can agree that in our little tight knit community, if we don't all stick together, bad things happen. We are all on the same team here. I think this should be resolved in an unselfish manner. Remember guys, its not all about you. Us ladies should have a say also…..Wouldn't you agree?
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Old 03-09-2010, 02:04 PM   #2
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Default Both Mods have resigned!!

I did PM with ST. Chris today he did say both have resigned. I knew about Jbonz was suprised about ELI.

Have also had excellent response from Eli and I am saddened to see him go.

There is no doubt in my mind LAP and St. Chris will see we are equally represented when the time comes.

I have personally met St. Chris, Lap & Tbone you can take it to the bank, they will not let our page be hurt in any manner what so ever.

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Old 03-09-2010, 02:19 PM   #3
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I am also sorry to see these two fine Mods leave, I can understand because it seems to be a thankless task especially when they're being attacked for no apparent reason. I wish them well, would like to hope that they reconsider and I know that we are all poorer with their departure. I hope that they will still share their vast knowledge with us from time to time. In the meanwhile Eli & Jbonz - Please take care and play safe!
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Old 03-09-2010, 06:39 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Erica Hall View Post
I think you all can agree that in our little tight knit community, if we don't all stick together, bad things happen. We are all on the same team here. I think this should be resolved in an unselfish manner. Remember guys, its not all about you. Us ladies should have a say also…..Wouldn't you agree?
I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with that Erica.
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Old 03-09-2010, 06:54 PM   #5
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They were not asked. They were forced. Its not right. I wont let this go without a fight.
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:25 PM   #6
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Hey Erica,

I, along with the rest of ECCIE staff, appreciate the efforts of Eli and jbonz here in upstate New York.

It didn't take long to realize that this area of the board was going to be a special place. Both of these gents deserve a tip of the hat for their part in setting up these forums for the future. Neither of these two men have been able to dedicate the amount of time to the board that they would have liked to. They fully understand our desire to take things to the next level here in Upstate, and have agreed to step aside and allow for us to consider folks who may have fewer restrictions on their time.

You can rest assured Erica, and everyone else reading, that we have nothing but the best interests of our New York members in mind. It's a tight-knit community we have here, and Eli and jbonz were, and will continue to be a very big part of that I'm sure. If you think that this transition in their roles on this board will prevent them from being there to help those who turn to them in need, I'd have to voice my disagreement. In my time getting to know these two gentlemen, it's pretty evident that helping others is a big part of what they're about. They're daily responsibilities here may have changed, but their commitment to those they care about has likely not.

I wish them nothing but the best, and hope for their continued presence in the forums.

St. C
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:40 PM   #7
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Then I have one question....why bother taking the effort to dispose of them so quickly when its apparent that they do alot for us girls especially behind the scenes.... Its not cool.. I love you guys but....
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:51 PM   #8
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The confusion may have been caused by the posting of GP's thread which was spontaneous and unrelated to the ongoing behind the scenes discussions about the future Upstate strategy and the options we had before us. Eli and jbonz are simply unable to have the daily active presence we would like to see from our local staff. After discussions with each of them, a mutual decision was made.

They have both been granted lifetime premium access here, and no member of this community should look at them any differently, fault either one of them, or be critical of their job performance. Our real-world lives ALWAYS take priority over the board, and I'm quite sure we'll all see more active participation from both men when they have more time to spend here.
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:59 PM   #9
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I must express my support and agreement of Erica's well stated concerns. I've been a long time "viewer" (hmmm...lurker w/o benefits?) of these boards (and predecessor from ASP*). Eli has always played a wonderful public roll of keeping things on track, keeping people from getting too full of themselves, and keeping situations ... pleasant. His gentle but strong voice has been key to a very enjoyable environment. Why not find a way to keep them involved as mods?
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Old 03-09-2010, 08:23 PM   #10
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Thats what no-one seems to hear from me. Im saying that they may not have been public about it, meaning it may not seem to you all that they were active but they were very helpful behind the scenes. Thats all
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Old 03-09-2010, 08:28 PM   #11
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I've been trying to bite my tongue as I had mentioned a few days earlier but I'll have to finally interject here as I agree with Erica's last post. Eli is correct in his statement about how things happened and while I am not upset (in some ways I'm actually relieved) I can't quite make heads or tails of it. Other than the thread by GP there were no messages or calls asking if we needed help, discussing who might be able to step up to the plate, etc until the thread started by GP. Then out of the blue poof we are gone. I will admit that Tbone has the class to call and tell me personally which is nice (I do respect you Tbone) but only time will answer the question as to why long time mods (at least if you add the time onboard ASPD) were let go without the new guard even having some training time. Did they really think that Eli and I would sabotage the board? I really hope that they trusted me more than to think that.

Well, it's all water under the bridge now. Only time will tell what the big boys have in store for us all. I'm sure it will work out.
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:08 PM   #12
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Baby, Thank you so much for the loyalty!

St. C

Let's blow this up to some realistic proportions:

Now, I do have a realization that we all want to continue with our lives no matter what the circumstances are but I prefer the truth and not misnomers about discussions. I take umbrage to your last post.

There were no discussions about time spent on the boards regarding our services as mods and I have spent no less time than I did on aspd. On in the AM and on in the PM. Whatever needed to be done was done. I cannot speak for Bonz but he had daytime availability I did not. Now, saying there was some discussion about this perterbs me. There was no discussion between you and I nor T-Bone and me. Maybe with Bonz but I wouldn't be privy to that so I may not comment. If there had been , I would have stated my feelings and we would have parted company amicably. T-Bone and I parted amicably with no discussion and I accepted he was the owner and had the say in the matter. Not a problem.

But I have always had a problem with someone saying I agreed to something or said something I didn't. Maybe this is common in your parts but not in NY. We say it like it is and don't beat around the bush. Now I understand this can be pulled but I haven't said nothing anything that isn't honest and truthful.

Needless to say, some bureaucrisy is present.


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Old 03-09-2010, 09:13 PM   #13
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We've been Mods or at least on the boards too long! We're thinking and posting at the same time! Damn, That's good training! Thank CK.

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Old 03-09-2010, 09:15 PM   #14
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Live together, die together.. I think we're going down bro! LOL

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Old 03-09-2010, 09:17 PM   #15
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Too Fking funny!

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